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S.M.S for 8 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 22 2021 - 10:15pm

Good evening everyone 

Some new news to know
Summer court of honor 

S.M.S for 8 - 15

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 15 2021 - 9:53pm

Good evening everyone 

I would like to thank everyone that came out to this weekend's swimming and lifesaving merit badges.  The swimming and lifesaving merit badges are two of the more complex badges that a scout needs to get if he ever wants to reach eagle scout.  Everyone that was able to participate yesterday was able to walk away with an eagle required badge. 

Mid-week program update

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 10 2021 - 10:01pm

Good morning or evening whenever you are reading this

I hope that everyone is safe and sound from our excitement last night.  I, like everyone else, was hoping that the storm would just blow over and we would be ok.  As it turns out it was a little more tense than everyone was comfortable with.  Just in case we do have bad weather and the storm sirens happen to go off please consider the scout meeting automatically canceled.  When it comes to severe weather, if the siren blows everything is shut down.
Makeup meeting 
I am calling for a special meeting Wednesday evening to make up for the canceled plc. This will be just a regular meeting 7p - 815 over at Good Templar. (If it's raining we will be over at the church).  We will be primarily going over requirements for swimming and lifesaving merit badges.  I know it is the first day of school for a lot of you but I'm hoping that it will be a light day.
The Committee meeting will be postponed till September 13th
Merit badge weekend 
 As of right now we are all set for the swimming and lifesaving merit badge this weekend at the Norris center.  If you do not have either of the badges please sign up.  These badges are eagle required and you will definitely not regret doing it.
Thanks everyone


S.M.S for 8 - 8

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 8 2021 - 9:16pm
Good evening everyone
This is the story of a news letter.  A newsletter so delicately placed together piece by piece with utmost care in every word,  every utterance that one can think of.....ya that's really what I do.
Lets get on with it.
2nd Monday P.L.C
For the August patrol leader's council meeting we will be meeting over at Saint Mark's Church.  The forecast is calling for some rain at the time our meeting will be held so better safe than sorry and just meet at the church.  Lightning is very unfriendly. There will be a lot of updates to go over and a lot of suggestions to hash out.  If you have any great ideas for meetings or day outings please bring any and all suggestions to Monday's PLC and we will see if we can't put them on the calendar.   Please always remember the only ones who can keep this troop going with interesting places in meeting ideas are the scouts.
2nd Monday C.M
There will be a plethora of topics for this Monday's Committee Meeting.  Popcorn and wreath sales, our new summer camp location, rechartering and plenty more.   If you are a parent or a member of the troop you are as always invited to sit down and join in.
Swimming and Lifesaving merit badge

If you have not earned the swimming or  lifesaving merit badge then next Saturday is the perfect time to do it.  For anyone who does not have the swimming badge you will be able to earn the badge that day. If you have already earned the swimming merit badge you can now earn the life saving merit badge.  It's the next challenge in the water arena.

August troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 1 2021 - 10:49pm

August troop scoop

S.M.S for 8 - 1

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 1 2021 - 8:58pm

Good evening everyone 

Some updates for the week and a few things to look forward to.

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