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S.M.S for 7 - 25

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 25 2021 - 10:21pm
Good evening everyone
As most of you already know over the past few months Mr. Griswold has been telling us that he will be moving to Germany for a few years.  This past weekend he arrived safely in Dusseldorf for the next chapter in his employment with Aldi and will be there for the foreseeable future.  From time to time he will be back home for a visit.  You can still catch him periodically on our Facebook and Discord pages.  Don't be afraid to drop him a line of encouragement every now and then.  He may not be able to get back to you immediately but will always find time if you have a question for him.  
Good luck Ryan and always remember 
Now on to a more upbeat intro
I hope that everyone is refreshed and recovered from our summer camp trip and is ready to get back to work.  Over the next few weeks we will have a lot of activities to participate in and fun things to do.  We have merit badges to finish up, a court of honor to hold and many plans to make.  Your first opportunity to finish something up comes as soon as Monday night.
Monday meeting 7 - 27
Good Templar Park 7p
For anyone still working on the aviation merit badge you will be able to finish that up at Monday's meeting. As of right now unless plans change I have a pilot coming in and he will be able to finish off the badge with you people.   We will also be discussing what we will be doing in August and how we will start off our recruitment season at the beginning of the month.  This coming fall is a major time for our troop. If you know anyone that could benefit from participating with our troop please don't hesitate to invite them.
August event and court of honor
Seeing as we have just come off of our biggest event of the year we need to fill in some of the gaps for August.  We will need to fit in a date for an event or camp out and a summer court of honor which is usually held the last two weeks of the month.   Originally we were going to go out to Galena and participate in Grants' Pilgrimage.  If there are enough people who would like to go and want to do a camp-out, we can still make arrangements for camping or we can just turn it into a day outing.  We can do something completely different if taking it easy for August is what everybody wants.   I also have a few other ideas in the works which if they come to pass, may be beneficial and could rack up another badge or two.
Summer camp 2022

We are starting the search for our troops' next summer camp.  With so many summer camps being sold off, we will need to locate a new camp venue that we can go to next year ASAP.  If you have any information, any ideas or places you have heard of from others please let us know so we can start the search.

S.M.S for 7 - 4

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 4 2021 - 10:32pm

Good evening everyone 

This week we have a boat load of info to go over.  Summer Camp is coming up fast and I want to make sure everyone is starting to get ready. 
Monday meeting 7 - 5
Good Templar Park 6p
For this Monday meeting we will be having a two hour meeting.  If you are going to be coming to summer camp you MUST be at this meeting.  We will be going through the trailer and making sure we have everything that we need for the trip.  If you have any equipment that you would like to bring at that time please bring it to the meeting and we can put it in the trailer.  At the same time that the trailer is being cleaned and prepared we will be collecting the paperwork.
Any Non-Perishable food items you want to bring should be CLEARLY marked with your name on the package / container.  Please make sure it is in a sealed container or ziplock type bag for freshness and critter control. You can bring it to the meeting for storage in the trailer or bring it along in your vehicle.  Remember... It must be stored in the trailer after we get to camp.
No food items are allowed in your tent.
If you bring any electronic devices, YOU are responsible for their safekeeping.  This includes cell phones.
On Sunday when we meet up at the clerk's office we will put the rest of the personal gear in the trailer before we go.
We need three pieces of paperwork for the camp.
1. The BSA med form ABC
2. The BSA Permission slip
3. The TFC C-19 pre-camp paper. (this needs to be done the day we go)
I will attach each at the bottom of this letter.
Troop One Class B's for 2021
This past week Mrs. Polly collected our 2021 class B's and they look very nice.  We will be tie-dyeing them after the trailer cleaning.  If you ordered one and DON'T want it dyed please let us know and we can keep yours white (not dyed).
Updated camp info
We have a 3:00p camp check in time on Sunday the 11th.
We will need to depart from the clerk's office about 11:00a to be able to stop for lunch and arrive with time to spare.

Health Assessments & Camp Cleaning

July troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 1 2021 - 8:38pm

The Scoop

s.m.s for 6 - 27

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 27 2021 - 8:49pm

Good evening everyone 

S.M.S for 6 - 13

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 13 2021 - 10:14pm
Good evening everyone 
I want to say thank you to everyone that was able to come to todays Eagle Court of Honor.  Congratulations again to Jack, Brock, Mitchell, Carson and Josh.
Monday meeting 6 - 14 P.L.C & C.M
This month's Patrol Leader Council and Committee Meeting will be held at Good Templar Park (park side).  The P.L.C will begin at 6p and the C.M will start directly following it at 7p.  This is something everyone should attend.
Please plan on attending in person as we will not be using the zoom channel during the summer months.  During the summer we will only be using the zoom channel in case of emergency.
Topics for each meeting may include but are not limited to
Camp Kane day - review
Memorial day - review
High Adventure - review
Summer camp - at C.F.L 7-11 - 7-17
New fundraising possibilities - update
New meeting events and locations
camping, when, where, how.
Summer Camp 2021
I hope everyone is getting ready for the troops next big adventure of the season, our return to Camp Freeland Leslie. This year by popular demand we will be going to Camp Freeland Leslie for our summer camp experience.  If you have not selected merit badge classes or cannot decide on what classes to take please let us know as soon as possible.  Classes fill up fast but there may be one or two slots unfilled there we may be able to slide you in to.
Class B shirts for the summer
We are starting to take orders for our Class B shirts and your preferred sizes. Attached to the letter is a document for you to place an order for your 2021 troop one Class B shirt.  My suggestion is if you wear small, order medium. If you wear medium order large and so on.
Most of the shirts you get now you are going to grow into.  If the link does not work let us know.
2021 Fundraiser

If you have any money collected please bring it to the next meeting.  I want to make sure that you are credited for what you have sold as of now.  We have a few show and sell's coming up to give everyone a chance to make some money this summer. 

S.M.S for 5 -30

Posted by swolfgram on May 31 2021 - 12:08am
Good evening everyone
If you have not seen it yet here is a repost from this week's Midweek update
Memorial Day Flag Ceremony 6:45a sharp 

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