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S.M.S. for 2 - 6 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Feb 6 2022 - 9:03pm
Good evening everyone
Thank you everyone that was able to come support the Winterall staffers.  It was a little tight in the afternoon but we got it done.   Our troop has been staffing an event for the past few years and I hope that next year we can put together a team and compete in the games.
Board of review help needed
We have three scouts that need a board of review.  We are short handed for these important advancements.  If there are any adults that can volunteer for an hour or so, we could really use the help and it would be greatly appreciated.  Please let me know if you can make it.  
Monday meeting 2 - 7 - 22
St. Marks Church gym 7p
Because we will not be having a meeting on the 14th or the 21st this Monday's meeting (the 7th) will serve as 3 meetings in one.  With the 14th being Valentine's Day it would be wise to not have a meeting that Monday.  On the 21st we'll be coming back from the Silversides trip.  As we will have been together for the day, a meeting is not necessary for the evening.  Our next true meeting will not be until the 28th.  We have a ton going on this month into March.  Please attend as many events as you can and remember... advancement comes with participation.
Upcoming events on the radar
Merit badge University
This is the last chance to get a slot locked in.  If you are wanting to take a few badges before they are all gone please contact Mrs. Romano at andie.romano@gmail.com or at 630-485-9908
Laser tag day outing invitational
2 - 13 - 22,  L.T.E, 601 Dundee Ave. East Dundee, IL 60018
Please let us know A.S.A.P if you can or can't make this event.
We have received a very special offer from Laser Tag Explosion at the old Santa's Village. The price they gave us was $35 for the day. Typical reservation price is $35 for just a few hours. This of course is a very special rate for us. It would be a great idea for an Arrow of Light Cub scout invitational. As of now we are shooting for a 11:45 -12ish start time.
USS Silversides submarine overnight
Sunday February 20th - Monday February 21st.
The USS Silversides is a Gato-Class World War II Submarine birthed in Muskegon MI.  This event will be a twenty four hour there and back again trip.  We will be leaving Sunday afternoon and returning Monday afternoon.  The boys do not have school President's Day on Monday the 21st.  The cost for the trip is $40.00.  The price includes the trip to and from the sub, The cost of the overnight and Monday breakfast.  We also have the ability to visit other places around the area and have some fun exploring.
Please RSVP to this ASAP.  We need a Final headcount very soon
Pack 260 Blue and Gold
Sunday February 27th, C.B.T
2:00PM to 5:00P,  Crossover and dinner
March Camp-out
Tomo-chi-chi knolls, Mar 4 - 6
This will be our second cabin campout of the season.  As we have more room we have a bit more space to do things.  We will be working on requirements, a merit badge or two and some time for games in the evening. 
Citizenship in the Nation Merit badge.
3 - 19 - 22,  10a - 5p
Campton Township Community Center (A.K.A the Station) 5N082 Old Lafox Rd, St. Charles, IL 60175
Join me as I guide you into the amazing world of Citizenship in the Nation.  This is one of the biggest and most extensive merit badges that our troop presents. You will learn about our country from 1600 - 1790. There is so much information packed into this class that you will need to take notes. Just about 90% of the badge will be covered.

The price for this class will be $8.00 for lunch. Suggested age for the badge is 3rd years and up.

S.M.S. for 1 - 30 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 30 2022 - 8:35pm
Good evening everyone
I hope everyone had a good weekend.  It was one of the rare occasions that we didn't have any scout stuff going on.  That of course is about to change.  Our entire month of February and the first half of March is filled with more goodies than you can shake a stick at.  Let's poke winter in the eye and let it know we are still active.
Monday meeting 1 - 31 - 22
St. Marks Church gym 7p
The primary goal of Monday's meeting is to finish going over Winterall and M.B.U.  They are our two closest upcoming events.  The next two on the radar are the laser tag outing and the Silversides overnight.
Upcoming events on the radar
Winter-all, Feb 5 C.B.T
Just as in years past we will be helping the Cub Scouts at the flipping for fun station at Winterall.  The younger scouts will make a pancake, put it on a plate and toss it to a partner hoping they can catch it.  We will then gauge the distance and give the team a score.  Grading is from one to ten with a secret 11th point for great scout spirit. 
Merit badge University
This is the last chance to get a slot locked in.  If you are wanting to take a few badges before they are all gone please contact Mrs. Romano at andie.romano@gmail.com or at 630-485-9908
Laser tag day outing invitational
Please let us know A.S.A.P if you can or can't make this event.
We have received a very special offer from Laser Tag Explosion at the old Santa's Village. The price they gave us was $35 for the day. Typical reservation price is $35 for just a few hours. This of course is a very special rate for us. It would be a great idea for an Arrow of Light Cub scout invitational. As of now we are shooting for a Sunday February the 13th, 12ish to 4ish
USS Silversides submarine overnight
Sunday February 20th - Monday February 21st.
The USS Silversides is a Gato-Class World War II Submarine birthed in Muskegon MI.  This event will be a twenty four hour there and back again trip.  We will be leaving Sunday afternoon and returning Monday afternoon.  The boys do not have school President's Day on Monday the 21st.  The cost for the trip is 40.00.  The price includes the trip to and from the sub, The cost of the overnight and Monday breakfast.  We also have the option to take part in a stem class or explore the area if we have the time to do it.
Please RSVP to this ASAP.  We need a headcount very soon
Pack 260 Blue and Gold
February 27th, C.B.T
2:00PM to 5:00P,  Crossover and dinner
March Camp-out
Tomo-chi-chi knolls, Mar 4 - 6
More info to come
New leadership needed - Re-post
As most of you know Joyce and Dave are wanting to move on at the end of 2022. Both of Joyce's son's have finished scouts and by the end of summer Dave's son's will have done the same. Typically key three leadership holds a three year term in troop one. That is one of the ways we can have a stable leadership pyramid. We are looking for a Committee chair understudy and a Treasurer understudy. During the course of the year you will be learning the ropes from Joyce and Dave on an almost month by month basis. Having the ability to see what they do and be trained by them in a practical manner. This, as stated above is a three year commitment and you would take over for either Committee chair or Treasure officially on 1/01/2023. If you are interested or would be willing to learn more please come to a meeting or talk to Joyce and Dave directly. These positions are open to any and all that want to work with them. The only requirement is that you MUST be a registered and a trained leader by 1/01/2023 to qualify.
Joyce Paliganoff - (630) 457-8090
Dave Kolodziej - (847) 858-5097
New Troop One Public Facebook page - Repost
For the longest time troop one has only had a private group page on Facebook. Now with the start of 2022 We finally have a public page that your friends, family or other potential scouts can see without needing an invite. If you have pictures from any of our events please share with the group and let's show off what we are doing in the new year. An Instagram account will be following in the next few months.
Troop One Recharter
The cost per registered scout is 132.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00. If there are any scouts out there that still have not paid for the 2022 season please contact Dave K and set up a payment plan with the troop.
We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned. If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to me (Stevan) and let me know. 
Recruiting new members - Repost
As everyone knows this is recruitment season. If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance or someone from another troop that may be looking to transfer then this is the time of year to do it. We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting or outing.
News around town
If you know of any upcoming events in your school, church or around town please let us know. If it is something of interest to you it may be to others also. Let me know and I can post it in our next issue.

(You...Yes you!)  find something that i can put in this section.

S.M.S. for 1 - 23 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 23 2022 - 9:56pm
Good evening everyone
I would like to thank everyone that was able to come to the reboot of the electronic gaming camp out.  Because we had to effectively place last year's camp-out on haitis we didn't know what was going to happen.  I am very glad to say that in the end it was a successful reboot and sets a good tone for the new year.  There is a lot to discuss regarding the coming weeks so ....
Let's Get Going
Monday meeting 1 - 23 - 22
Baker Church, Basement hall 7p
(Enter the church at the Cedar street door.  When you enter the church go down the hall, down the stairs, down the hall take a right, down the stairs and enter the hall).
The primary goal of Monday's meeting is to start to go over Winterall and M.B.U.  They are our two closest upcoming events and need to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.
Upcoming events on the radar
Winter-all, Feb 5 C.B.T
Just as in years past we will be helping the Cub Scouts at the flipping for fun station at Winterall.  The younger scouts will make a pancake, put it on a plate and toss it to a partner hoping they can catch it.  We will then gauge the distance and give the team a score.  Grading is from one to ten with a secret 11th point for great scout spirit.  During the day Troop One scout's can, if they wish, form a team and participate in the games.  If you would like to build a group and compete we will be going over it the next few Monday's
Merit badge University
Laser tag day outing invitational
We have received a very special offer from Laser Tag Explosion at the old Santa's Village. The price they gave us was $35 for the day. Typical reservation price is $35 for just a few hours. This of course is a very special rate for us. It would be a great idea for an Arrow of Light Cub scout invitational. As of now we are shooting for a Sunday February the 13th, 12ish to 4ish
USS Silversides submarine overnight
The USS Silversides is a Gato-Class World War II Submarine birthed in Muskegon MI.  This event will be a twenty four hour there and back again trip.  We will be leaving Sunday afternoon and returning Monday afternoon.  The boys do not have school President's Day on Monday the 21st.  The cost for the trip is 40.00.  The price includes the trip to and from the sub, The cost of the overnight and Monday breakfast.  We also have the option to take part in a stem class or explore the area if we have the time to do it.
Pack 260 Blue and Gold
February 27th, C.B.T
More info to come
March Camp-out
Tomo-chi-chi knolls, Mar 4 - 6
More info to come
New leadership needed - Re-post
As most of you know Joyce and Dave are wanting to move on at the end of 2022. Both of Joyce's son's have finished scouts and by the end of summer Dave's son's will have done the same. Typically key three leadership holds a three year term in troop one. That is one of the ways we can have a stable leadership pyramid. We are looking for a Committee chair understudy and a Treasurer understudy. During the course of the year you will be learning the ropes from Joyce and Dave on an almost month by month basis. Having the ability to see what they do and be trained by them in a practical manner. This, as stated above is a three year commitment and you would take over for either Committee chair or Treasure officially on 1/01/2023. If you are interested or would be willing to learn more please come to a meeting or talk to Joyce and Dave directly. These positions are open to any and all that want to work with them. The only requirement is that you MUST be a registered and a trained leader by 1/01/2023 to qualify.
Joyce Paliganoff - (630) 457-8090
Dave Kolodziej - (847) 858-5097
New Troop One Public Facebook page - Repost
For the longest time troop one has only had a private group page on Facebook. Now with the start of 2022 We finally have a public page that your friends, family or other potential scouts can see without needing an invite. If you have pictures from any of our events please share with the group and let's show off what we are doing in the new year. An Instagram account will be following in the next few months.
Troop One Recharter
The cost per registered scout is 132.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00. If there are any scouts out there that still have not paid for the 2022 season please contact Dave K and set up a payment plan with the troop.
We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned. If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to me (Stevan) and let me know. 
Recruiting new members - Repost
As everyone knows this is recruitment season. If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance or someone from another troop that may be looking to transfer then this is the time of year to do it. We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting or outing.
News around town
If you know of any upcoming events in your school, church or around town please let us know. If it is something of interest to you it may be to others also. Let me know and I can post it in our next issue.
In closing

Remember to take a look at our website. (https://stcharles1.mytroop.us/front_page) Follow us on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/154508964589786) and the public page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/httpsstcharles1.mytroop.us) look us up on Twitter @BSATroopOne. Check there every now and then for updates.  As always if you have any questions let us know. 

New Rank Earned

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 17 2022 - 11:44pm

Congratulations to Anthony H for earning the rank of first class

S.M.S. for 1 - 16 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 16 2022 - 10:53pm

S.M.S. for 1 - 9 - 22, The jam packed edition

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 9 2022 - 9:35pm
Good evening everyone
Another week has come and gone and there are some things to talk about. 
Monday meeting Patrol Leaders Council 1 - 10 - 22
Zoom Channel, 6p
This month at our P.L.C  meeting we will be going over topics like the calendar, Cubsicle review, camp-outs, Winterall, M.B.U and more.  If you are reading down the rest of the letter (like you should be doing) you will see some NEVER BEFORE DONE (or at least not since I have been with the troop) upcoming things we could do.  Because some of you are out sick I will be tossing out a Zoom link at the bottom of the page for you to use. As always please remember as a member of the troop your opinion is wanted and needed.  Everyone is invited to attend.
Monday Committee meeting 1 - 10 - 22
Zoom Channel, 7p
This month we will be going over past and upcoming events, fundraisers and new leadership roles.
Because some of our committee members are unable to attend in person we will be using the same Zoom link for this meeting as the plc.  
Upcoming Events in order of date (kind of)
2022 Operation Cubscicle International Games
Join us at Camp Big Timber for a fun day of winter activities both inside and out!      

Saturday, January 15, 2022 - 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 4:00pm

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