
Patrol Filter

S.M.S for 1 - 2

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 2 2022 - 9:09pm
Good evening everyone
Happy New Year Everyone!
After taking two weeks off we join up again for the first meeting of the new year.  My time away from ya'll was eventful and if you get a chance to ask I'll gladly share the story.  There is a lot coming up for us in the next few weeks.  Everyone needs to "be prepared" at what we got on the radar so far.   
Monday meeting 1 - 3 - 22
St.Mark's Church Gym, 7p
For our first meeting of the new year we will be going over topics like the calendar, cubsicle, cam-outs, winterall and more.  Our next 60 days are chalk full of energy and activity. 
The Revamped calendar
For the first time in almost two years our calendar is set on a yearly table.
That means you can now look out at least twelve months and see what is going on.  Some of the camp-outs and day outings are not set in stone and the location, event, or date may change.  As we are working with a twelve month calendar we can only be accurate up to about four to six months out.  We will continue to check the school calendar to make sure that we are not putting something on the same date as the school is.  Placing a cave camp-out on the same night as homecoming just does not seem to jive.  If you know of something that we don't please let us know.  We should have the calendar populated by the end of the week.  
New leadership needed
As most of you know Joyce and Dave are wanting to move on at the end of 2022.  Both of Joyce's son's have finished scouts and by the end of summer Dave's son's will have done the same.  Typically key three leadership holds a three year term in troop one.  That is one of the ways we can have a stable leadership pyramid.  We are looking for a Committee chair understudy and a Treasurer understudy.  During the course of the year you will be learning the ropes from Joyce and Dave on an almost month by month basis.  Having the ability to see what they do and be trained by them in a practical manner.  This, as stated above is a three year commitment and you would take over for either Committee chair or Treasure officially on 1-1-23.  If you are interested or would be willing to learn more please come to a meeting or talk to Joyce and Dave directly.  These positions are open to any and all that want to work with them.  The only requirement is that you MUST be a registered and a trained leader by 1-1-23 to qualify.
Joyce Paliganoff - (630) 457-8090
Dave Kolodziej - (847) 858-5097
2022 Operation Cubscicle International Games
Join us at Camp Big Timber for a fun day of winter activities both inside and out!
Who: All Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, Siblings and Friends!
Indoor/outdoor activities will include, sling shots, sledding, Snow Sport, and other exciting activities and projects!

Saturday, January 8, 2022 - 9:00am - 3:30pm             

S.M.S for 12 - 12

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 12 2021 - 9:18pm

Good evening everyone 

A question for everyone reading this letter tonight.  If you could talk to anyone living or dead and ask them questions about their life who would it be and why?  You can reply with your answer or not.  I'm just curious. 
We have some good stuff to go over tonight, let's get into it.
Monday Meeting P.L.C 
Baker Church 6p
At our last patrol leaders council of the year we will be looking forward to 2022.  We will be deciding what to do and when to do it.  We will be looking at our full calendar of events and the months in which they will take place.  We will be going back to the full 12 month calendar.  That is to say with any luck you will be able to see almost all events in 2022 months in advance.  I ask that all scouts please attend this meeting as your input will directly affect what we do in the coming year.
Winter court of honor 
Baker Church 7p
Immediately following the Patrol Leaders Council we will be holding our Winter Court of Honor.  Please join the troop in honoring our fellow members that have earned awards over the past few months.  This will also be the night where we welcome our newest members from Troop 14.  After the ceremony please stick around for our gift exchange and snack table.  If you are staying for the after party please bring a sweet, treat or snack to pass around.
Gift exchange
For anyone participating in our gift exchange here are the ground rules
1. the gift should cost no more than 10.00 (excluding tax)
2. If you bring a gift you can choose one.
3. The gift can be anything you can think of.  Something fun, serious, or strange.  It just has to be appropriate.
4. and...No live animals please.  
Troop One Recharter - Repost
The cost per registered scout is 132.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00.  The price for the year has gone up for both adults and youth.  This is a rate hike on the national side and is not something that the troop is imposing.  We are expecting another rate hike from National for the 2022 /23 season as well.  

We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned.  If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to us and let us know.

S.M.S for 12 - 5

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 5 2021 - 9:23pm
Good evening everyone
It's a FANTASTIC December night!  Only 120 days till spring...
It can't come fast enough.  So what's new this week
Monday Meeting
St. Marks Church gym, 7p
This Monday our primary goal is to go over the day trip next weekend.  The secondary and tertiary goal will be planning the C..O.H on the 13th and start going over locations for 2022.
2021 Chicago day hike
December 11th
The events may unfold like this.
This year instead of taking the train into the city we would take the cars downtown and start the day at the Chicago historical museum.  From there we would go south to locations like the Billy Goat Tavern, Christ Kindl Market, and Water Tower Place / Michigan Avenue.  Because we would be touring the museum we can park in their lot for 10.00 for the day per car.  This would be a much lesser price than a weekend pass for the train.
We will formulate all the details at this weeks meeting and determine what we can do.  
Money collection 2021
Please bring any money you have collected from any of this year's fundraisers to Monday's meeting. (Jerky, Popcorn and Wreaths)  We will NEED to have all fundraiser money turned in by December 9th.  This will allow enough time to square up with all scout accounts and get us ready to go for the 2022 season.  If you still owe the troop from any camp-outs, summer camp, high adventure or recharter please contact Dave K for the amount owed to the troop.
You can reach him at
Phone: 847 858 5097
December committee meeting 
This year because we are having our P.L.C and C.o.H on the same night we are going to move the December C.M to the evening of the 9th.  With a backup night of the 16th.  This will be a non uniform adult meeting.  This will be a big meeting as we start to formulate our next year's worth of events.  I am asking all leaders and parents to attend this meeting. 
It will be held at the Office bar and grill, 7p Thursday evening.

December P.L.C / C.O.H - update

S.M.S for 11 - 28

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 28 2021 - 8:11pm
Good evening everyone 
There is a lot packed into this week's letter.  Read it all twice just to be sure 
Wreath money collection 
Please bring any money you have collected from wreaths to Monday's meeting.   I want to have all of that collected by next Monday December 6th at the latest. 
December committee meeting 
This year because we are having our PLC  and CoH on the same night we are going to move the December C.M to the evening of the 9th.  With a backup night of the 16th.  This will be a non uniform adult meeting.  This will be a big meeting as we start to form our next year's worth of events.  
Monday Meeting
Cpr / Aed training 6p - 8p
Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District Station
For our last meeting in November,  the 29th, we will be getting some much needed training in CPR / AED.  We will be meeting at the Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District Station.  34W500 Carl Lee Road St. Charles, IL 60174
This will be a special 2 hour class and everyone is welcome to attend.  We will be using the training dummies and AED equipment. 
December 3rd
Paintball (a non troop one troop event)
On December 3rd (4th for a rain day) we will finally check another request off the list of what the boys have been asking for.  This is a non troop one troop event.  That means we are just a group of friends that are doing something together for the day. NO SCOUT RELATED GEAR.
Who: All Scouts, Family and Friends
What: Paint Ball at possibly the Best arena in the USA
Where: Paintball Explosion – 601 Dundee Avenue, East Dundee, IL
When: Saturday – December 4 th , 12pm to 4pm (12/05 – plan “B”)
Cost: Only $65 per scout (Entrance Fee, Equipment Rental & 500 Paint Balls!)  Come early, stay late – Just don’t bring your Scout uniform!
(Paintball Explosion opens at 9am and closes at 5pm)
All gear will be supplied by Paintball Explosion – You bring the fun
Please call Assistant Scoutmaster Tim Browne – 224/238-9714
Or Troop1 Scoutmaster Stevan Wolfgram – 630/945-4710

Visit: www.pbbomb.com to learn more!
Only $65 for friends and family as well
2021 Chicago day hike
December 11th
The events may unfold like this.
This year instead of taking the train into the city we would take the cars downtown and start the day at the Chicago historical museum.  From there we would go south to locations like the Billy Goat Tavern, Kris Kringle Market, and Water Tower Place / Michigan Avenue.  Because we would be touring the museum we can park in their lot for 10.00 for the day per car.  This would be a much lesser price than a weekend pass for the train.  We are still a few weeks out but we need to start planning for the day.
December P.L.C / C.O.H
We will be holding our December P.L.C / Court Of Honor and Christmas party on Monday the 13th.  As of now we have Baker Church reserved for that Monday.    
Troop One Recharter - Repost
The cost per registered scout is 132.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00.  The price for the year has gone up for both adults and youth.  This is a rate hike on the national side and is not something that the troop is imposing.  We are expecting another rate hike from national for the 22 - 23 season as well.  
We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned.  If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to us and let us know.
Recruiting new members - Repost
 As everyone knows this is recruitment season. If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance or someone from another troop that may be looking to transfer then this is the time of year to do it.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting or outing.
News around town
If you know of anything that is going on around the tri-city area let me know and I can post it in our next issue.

Baker church events: Attached at the bottom is the flyer for some of Baker's upcoming events.

S.M.S for 11 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 22 2021 - 1:02am
Good evening everyone
If the leaves are falling then winter's ah calling,  But when the wind starts to blow just let the leaves all go....in to the neighbors yard....down the road...across the street.  Problem solved!
Monday Meeting
Downtown STC 7p
For anyone still in town for the Thanksgiving week we have a special Monday meeting.  Last week the boys made decorations for our Christmas tree in this year's St. Charles light display.  This Monday we will be downtown to decorate and spruce it up a bit.  Our tree is located close to the corner of Illinois and first street intersection.
You should be able to park in the parking garage.  Our rally spot will be on the first floor of the parking garage by the first street entrance.
The Electric light parade
After a long time away troop one will return to the St Charles Electric Light Parade.  At Monday's meeting we will be going over the details of the parade and what we will need to bring with us.   As of now I believe that this Friday we will be acquiring the float trailer.  We will be Decorating it on Friday afternoon and presenting it in the parade on Saturday evening.  I will have final details Monday.
Cpr / Aed training.
For our last meeting in November,  the 29th, we will be getting some much needed training in CPR / AED.  We will be meeting at the Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District Station.  34W500 Carl Lee Road St. Charles, IL 60174
This will be a special 2 hour class and everyone is welcome to attend.  We will be using the training dummies and AED equipment. 
Paintball (a non troop one troop event)
On December 3rd (4th for a rain day) we will finally check another request off the list of what the boys have been asking for.  This is a non troop one troop event.  That means we are just a group of friends that are doing something together for the day. NO SCOUT RELATED GEAR.
Who: All Scouts, Family and Friends
What: Paint Ball at possibly the Best arena in the USA
Where: Paintball Explosion – 601 Dundee Avenue, East Dundee, IL
When: Saturday – December 4 th , 12pm to 4pm (12/05 – plan “B”)
Cost: Only $65 per scout (Entrance Fee, Equipment Rental & 500 Paint Balls!)  Come early, stay late – Just don’t bring your Scout uniform!
(Paintball Explosion opens at 9am and closes at 5pm)
All gear will be supplied by Paintball Explosion – You bring the fun

Visit: www.pbbomb.com to learn more!

Only $65 for friends and family as well
Troop One Recharter - Repost
The cost per registered scout is 132.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00.  The price for the year has gone up for both adults and youth.  This is a rate hike on the national side and is not something that the troop is imposing.  We are expecting another rate hike from national for the 22 - 23 season as well.  

We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned.  If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to us and let us know.

S.M.S for 11 - 14

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 14 2021 - 10:45pm

Good evening everyone

This week we have a few things to talk about.  If you haven't been taken away with the wind you may just read this and learn of coming things.
Monday Meeting, 7p
St. Marks Church Gym,
101 S 6th Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
For this weeks meeting we will be working on making ornaments for our Christmas tree in down town St.Charles. We will also be working on some nots, knots and more nnoottss.  We'll have a little fun on that one.
Troop trim a tree
Yes there are things to do even on the Monday leading up to Thanksgiving.  If you are home for the holiday and can help out we are trimming a tree in down town STC.  More info to come.  I know that the tree will be somewhere around the 1st street plaza.  The tree trimming will be on Monday night the 22nd.
The STC Electric Light Parade
Right after Thanksgiving STC will be holding the Electric Light Parade.  We have a trailer that we can decorate and customize for the parade.  This is something we have not done in a while so it's a nice change of pace.  Stay tuned for more info as we get a little closer.
Troop One Recharter - repost
The cost per registered scout is 135.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00.  The price for the year has gone up for both adults and youth.  This is a rate hike on the national side and is not something that the troop is imposing.  We are expecting another rate hike from national for the 22 - 23 season as well.  
We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned.  If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to us and let us know.
Recruiting new members - Repost
 As everyone knows this is recruitment season. If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance or someone from another troop that may be looking to transfer then this is the time of year to do it.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting or outing.
News around town
If you know of anything that is going on around the tri-city area let me know and I can post it in our next issue.

Baker church events: Attached at the bottom is the flyer for some of Baker's upcoming events.

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