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S.M.S for 11 - 7

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 7 2021 - 9:04pm
Good evening everyone
This past weekend's weather could not have been better for a campout in November. I'm glad my weather machine was not on the fritz.  Thank you Mark and Luke B for taking the dreaded 130 - 4a time slot at the fire vigil.  It allowed us all to get some needed rest after a long day 
There will be a lot happening over the next few weeks.  If you thought we were winding down as we get closer to the new year think twice.
2021 Wreath sales (troop one scouts)
If you have any wreath sales to turn in, Monday's meeting is the night to do it.
If for whatever reason you can't make it in person please contact Jeff Bainbridge at 630-277-3529 or jeffreyjbainbridge@yahoo.com
Monday Meeting P.L.C
Colonial Cafe - Rt. 64
1625 E Main St, St. Charles, IL 60174,  6p
For the first time in a very long time we will be holding our PLC meeting at the
Colonial Cafe - Rt. 64,  1625 E Main St, St. Charles.  With Troop One and Troop Fourteen merging at the end of the month we will need to go over the new patrols and their members. We were unable to do this last week with everything going on and didn't want to delay it any further.
Monday Meeting C.M
Colonial Cafe - Rt. 64
1625 E Main St, St. Charles, IL 60174,  7p
Following the P.L.C we will be holding our Committee Meeting. All troop leaders and parents are invited and are encouraged to come.
Veterans Day Flag Retirement Ceremony
Good Templar Park, park side behind the kitchen building.
6p - 8p

Join Troop One as we observe Veterans day evening with a flag retirement ceremony.

S.M.S for 10 - 31

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 31 2021 - 11:01pm
Good evening everyone
Darkness falls across the land the midnight hour is close at hand.
Creatures crawl in search of blood to terrorise y'alls neighborhood.
Whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down. 
Must stand and face the hounds of hell and rot inside a corpse's shell. 
The foulest stench is in the air, the funk of forty-thousand years
and grizzly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom.
Though you fight to stay alive your body starts to shiver.
For no mere mortal can resist the evil of
The weekly newsletter!
(evil laugh x 10)
Happy Halloween!
Monday meeting
Baker Church - 7p
This Monday we will be holding our weekly meeting at Baker Church.  Use the door on cedar street.  We will be meeting in Willy Hall. After entering the building go to the end of the hall and down the stairs.  At the next hall take the stairs on your right and Willy Hall is on your left.
This week we will be going over the weekend campout, popcorn and wreaths and troop elections.
Noah K eagle project
November 13th and 14th
Union cemetery
More details to come...
Popcorn and wreath sales
Popcorn orders are due this Monday, November 1st.
Wreath orders need to start coming in on the 8th.
Joining Two Troops - update
As most of you know by now (or maybe this is the first time you may be hearing this) Troop One and Troop Fourteen will be merging together at the end of November.  The scouts and leadership of Troop Fourteen will be joining us and by the start of the 2022 season they will be fully integrated under the Troop One banner.  Because of this merger, over the next few weeks we will be combining meetings and events to smoothly transition into one unit.  With the merger of our two troops it opens up a new frontier and new adventures. 
This Monday, November the 1st we will be having a meeting at Baker Church.  This will give us a chance to see the church, facilutes and get to know them better.  The church has said that they would still like to still have a connection with scouts.  After the merger I think it would be foolish not to take them up on that offer.  I believe having another church connected to Troop One is an asset that few can say they have.
Batavia campout - update
Join Troop One, Six, Twelve and Forty Three at our VFW Fire Vigil Camp-out
Every November we come together to honor our veterans with a Forty Eight hour camp fire and flag retirement ceremony.
It will be held on the field behind the Batavia VFW in Batavia il on the 5th, 6th and 7th of November. The campfire will start at 6pm on Friday and not be allowed to die out until Sunday at 6am.  If any cub scouts wish to join us during the day a lunch will be provided by the troops.  For Saturday breakfast and lunch we will be cooking for ourselves. For dinner there will be a pig roast and community supper. Cub-scouts will be visiting on Saturday which means we have the ability to develop some interest in joining.
Friday we will be meeting at the Batavia VFW at 6:00pm
Arrive on Friday and set up, cracker barrel which will be a joint communal event. Each troop will bring their snack to the main staging area and eat together
Saturday events are Gaga Ball, Nine Square & Viking Chess, Conservation Project (time permitting), 5 mile hike, T-1 Target Game
Troop One Recharter - Update
That time of year has come again when we have to put together our recharder for the next season.  As of right now I am hoping that all of our members will be rejoining us for the 2022 season.  The cost per registered scout is 135.00 and the cost per Leader is 69.00.  The price for the year has gone up for both adults and youth.  This is a rate hike on the national side and is not something that the troop is imposing.  We are expecting another rate hike from national for the 22 - 23 season as well.  

We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned.  If any of our members need help with the cost of recharter please reach out to us and let us know.

S.M.S for 10 - 24

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 24 2021 - 10:39pm
Good evening everyone
It is a dark and stormy night as I write this letter.  The cold rain tapping on the window creates a slight fogg as it rolls down the glass.  The gusty October winds rush in causing the familiar  bite of autumn air to follow.  The leaves on the trees swaying in the wind almost gesturing to any passerby to stay away.  A dark and ominous night gives way to  flashes of light illuminating a field of winter wheat for a brief moment.  October has always been my favorite month.  
Monday meeting - 2nd annual night hike
Campton Township Community Center (The Station)
5N082 Old Lafox Rd, St. Charles, IL 60175
If it is not raining we will  be taking our yearly night hike on the bike path.  Please make sure to bring a flashlight or headlamp, a water bottle, wear your hiking shoes/boots and appropriate outerwear.  Dress for the night is class B or street.
If it is raining - plan B
St. Mark's Church 7p
Popcorn and wreath sales - repost
The troop is selling Popcorn and Wreaths. Are you selling?  Got your trusty list of past customers available? This is the time of year where you give back to the troop by selling Popcorn and Wreaths. It's one of the best ways you can help fund the troop and keep us going for another season.  You are also earning money toward your scout account.  Popcorn orders are due November 1st and wreath orders need to start coming in shortly after.
Joining Two Troops - update
As most of you know by now (or maybe this is the first time you may be hearing this) Troop One and Troop Fourteen will be merging together at the end of November.  The scouts and leadership of Troop Fourteen will be joining us and by the start of the 2022 season they will be fully integrated under the Troop One banner.  Because of this merger, over the next few weeks we will be combining meetings and events to smoothly transition into one unit.  With the merger of our two troops it opens up a new frontier and new adventures. 
In the following weeks (probably the Nov 1st meeting) we will be having a meeting at Baker Church.  This will give us a chance to see the church and get to know it better.  The church has said that they want to still have a connection with scouts.  After the merger I think it would be foolish not to take them up on the offer.  I think having another church connected to troop one is an asset that few can say that they have.
Batavia campout - update
This year after taking a year off the Batavia Veterans weekend camp-out will return.  The date that was chosen was the first weekend in November.  The 5th, 6th and 7th,  With the fire vigil to start at 6p on that friday.  They will also be bringing back the pot-luck-dinner.  As of now the troop will need help making food and watching the fire.  We were given a 2a - 4a time slot on Saturday night that we need covered.  Whether you are or are not attending the camp-out we need your help in these areas. 
Troop One Recharter - Repost
That time of year has come again when we have to put together our recharder for the next season.  As of right now I am hoping that all of our members will be rejoining us for the 2022 season.  We hope to have this paperwork in by mid October / early November.  If there are any concerns to what recharter fees will be please contact Joyce and she should be able to walk you through the details.  The price for the year has gone up for both adults and youth.  This is a rate hike on the national side and is not something that the troop is imposing.  We are expecting another rate hike from national for the 22 - 23 season as well.  

We all know that these are not the best of times especially where finances are concerned.  If any of our members need help with the cost of recharder please reach out to us and let us know.

Mid-week program update

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 20 2021 - 11:38pm

I wanted to update everyone as to what was going on for this Saturday.  I talked to the point person from pack 154 about their camp-out at Blackwell Forest Preserve. I've been informed that this is not a weekend camp-out but actually a Saturday/Sunday overnight.  This means slight changes in what we were planning to do for the day.  The updated timeline for pack 154 is to be at the forest preserve starting at noon on Saturday till 9a on Sunday when they will break camp.

S.M.S for 10 - 17

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 17 2021 - 10:34pm
Good evening everyone
In this latest episode we have a metric ton of stuff to go over. (That means A LOT)!  From camp-outs and day outings to popcorn and wreaths we got it all.  In the coming weeks we will have some new additions to the troop and new opportunities to go along with it. 
Monday meeting 
St. Mark's Church 7p
This Monday we will be prepping for the weekend events. 
Popcorn and wreath sales
The troop is selling Popcorn and Wreaths. Are you selling?  Got your trusty lust of past customers available? This is the time of year where you give back to the troop by selling Popcorn and Wreaths. It's one of the best ways you can help fund the troop and keep us going for another season.  You are also earning money toward your scout account.  Popcorn orders are due November 1st and wreath orders need to start coming in shortly after.
Weekend events, We've got two of them!
Our two weekend events are the Pack 154 day outing and Baker churches Trunk-er-treet.
1. The Scouts at Pack 154 are in need of some help during their October camp-out.  If you didn't come to the last campout this is your next best shot to participate.  As of now they are just getting back on their feet, as a lot of groups are after the hiatus of 2020.  I want our troop to be the one to help them as they open up again.  Their October camp-out is on Oct-23 at Blackwell forest preserve. (Butterfield Rd, Warrenville, IL 60555)  We will be heading over to the campground around 830a on Saturday and leaving around 5p.  I believe the cost of the trip is 10.00 for food but I will have to double check with their point person.
2.The Trunk-er-Treat will be at Baker Church parking lot from 2p - 330p on Sunday the 24th
We will be giving out candy and info to anyone that stops by our area.
Joining of Two Troops
As most of you know by now (or maybe this is the first time you may be hearing this) Troop One and Troop Fourteen will be merging together at the end of November.  The scouts and leadership of Troop Fourteen will be joining us and by the start of the 2022 season they will be fully integrated under the Troop One banner.  Because of this merger over the next few weeks we will be combining meetings and events to smoothly transition into the one unit.  With the merger of our two troops it opens up a new frontier and new adventures.  With an expanded volunteer base it allows us to have many more dedicated leaders with a multitude of specialties working with the scouts.  No one leader is able to do it all and with many hands makes light work.  Of course the main addition is more scouts to participate.  This one is rather self explanatory.  More scouts means more chances for us to go places and do things that the boys want to do. 
News around town
Heather sent me this one and I wanted to include it in the weekly letter.  This is copied from the newsletter so the font is funkey.

Want to learn to build a bike?

Our build classes are back! Looking to start a new career in bikes or just looking to learn a new skill? This class is for you.

S.M.S for 10 - 3

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 3 2021 - 8:14pm
Good Evening Everyone
In this week's exciting episode we will be going over a jam packed start to October.  Camp-outs, events, fundraisers, meetings and even some stuff that I couldn't remember the last time around.  
Monday meeting 
St. Mark's Church 7p
This Monday we will be planning for our weekend campout.  If you're still on the fence get off of it now! We have less then three days to make sure everything is set to go.
We will be staying at Franklin L. Cary Camp (6286 State Road 26 East Lafayette, IN 47905) and have access to Moser shelter.  The shelter has power and is not too far away from the bathrooms. 
Hunters Moon Camp-out
October 8th - 10th
From the web site...
"The past is yours to savour at the Feast of the Hunters’ Moon. At this historic reenactment you can recapture 18th century life at Fort Ouiatenon (we- ott - non) the first fortified European outpost in what is now Indiana."

"The Feast of the Hunters’ Moon is a re-creation of the annual fall gathering of the French and Native Americans which took place at Fort Ouiatenon, a fur-trading outpost in the mid – 1700s. It is held annually in early autumn on the banks of the Wabash River, four miles southwest of West Lafayette, Indiana."

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