Troop 1 - St. Charles, IL | |||
FilesTop level folder for Files
FormsPermission Slips, Health Forms and troop promotional packet
AdultsDocumentation for adults and adult leaders
CommitteeDocumentation for Troop Committee
CookbooksCamping Recipes and Dutch Oven Cookbooks
Court of HonorAwards and Rank Advancement
Eagle ScoutEverything you need to know about the eagle scout. The files, the paperwork and the court of honor
Fundraiser'sFundraiser files for troop scouts and f.a.q's
Merit Badge CounselorsA Word Document of who teaches which Merit Badges in the troop.
ScoutsFiles for Scouts
Wreath Sales Kit, Bow Fluffing and Pickup DocYou'll find the latest wreath brochure, sales order form and instructions on how to fluff your bows in this folder. Also information on what you need to do to pickup and distribute wreath stock.