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Mid-week program update

Posted by swolfgram on May 26 2021 - 9:31pm
Good evening everyone 
In this Mid-week update there is a lot to go over.  With Memorial Day and our Ohio trip pretty much back-to-back I wanted to give everyone a chronological order breakdown for the next week.  
Saturday the 29th 9a - 12p
Troop one will be in placing flags on the graves of veterans in Union cemetery.
1200 N 5th Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
Union cemetery is across the road from Bethlehem Lutheran Church just north on Route 25.  We will be working with the American Legion to make sure that every veteran is recognized and not forgotten. This is a service project so you will earn service hours for your time.  This is a CLASS A EVENT!   Please arrive at Union Cemetery at 9:00 a.m. for a short briefing.
Sunday evening setup at the veterans center 
Because we want to have all the tables set and ready to go for Monday morning we have access to the veteran center from 6p to 7p Sunday evening.  We will be setting up some tables, chairs and prepping the area for Monday's breakfast.  Please attend if you can, it should only take an hour or less depending on the amount of help we can get.    The veterans center is located at 311 N 2nd St, St. Charles, IL 60174
Memorial Day Flag Ceremony 6:45a sharp 

S.M.S for 5 -23

Posted by swolfgram on May 23 2021 - 9:41pm

Good evening everyone 

With the month of May quickly closing out we have a ton and a half of events upcoming that need your immediate attention.  I have finally received the required information for our Memorial Day Weekend schedule and will go over it as the newsletter progresses.   We also have our upcoming trip to Ohio which as of now is shaping up to be one of the best attended events in a very long time.  Not too long after that we go to summer camp.   If anyone says "you sure are catching up for lost time" you might as well just tell them yes... yes we are.
Monday meeting 5 - 24 
Camp Kane (Langum park)
For our last meeting before Memorial Day weekend we will be back over at Camp Kane practicing our flag ceremony on the flagpole. The main reason that we are back over at Camp Kane this week is we have quick and easy access to a flagpole that is mechanically identical to the one in Union cemetery.  
Fundraiser update 
Our Summer fundraiser is as of now going better than I even expected.  Before I can get in new stock, the stock on hand is out the door!  If you have been selling and have any money to be turned in we will be collecting every Monday that we have a regular meeting.  Please place the money in a sealed envelope with your name and the amount in the envelope on its face.  That way we can be sure to give the proper scout the proper commission amount for what has been sold.
Saturday the 29th 9a - 12p
Troop one will be in placing flags on the graves of veterans in Union cemetery.
1200 N 5th Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
Union cemetery is across the road from Bethlehem Lutheran Church just north on Route 25.  We will be working with the American Legion to make sure that every veteran is recognized and not forgotten. This is a service project so you will earn service hours for your time.  This is a CLASS A EVENT!   Please arrive at Union Cemetery at 9:00 a.m. for a short briefing.
Memorial Day Flag Ceremony 6:45a sharp 

S.M.S for 5 -17

Posted by swolfgram on May 17 2021 - 12:53am

Good evening everyone

I want to thank all who were able to come out to Camp Kane Day yesterday. Even in the rain we had a great showing from the scouts and a fairly good showing from the local community.  For the first time in quite a while we where able to participate in a full blown flag ceremony with all of the pomp and circumstance.  I for one was very pleased with the flag ceremonies. The second (last) one the scouts participated in was commented on. Some of the comments I received on their deliverance were.... 
I will tell you about that at Monday's meeting.  (This is known as building up the suspense)
In the weeks leading up to Memorial Day we will continue practicing flag etiquette and making sure that we will be as tight as possible for Memorial Day Monday.
Monday meeting 5 - 17
For our meeting Monday night we will be working on flag etiquette and planning for our upcoming events.  Our meeting location will be Good Templar Park.  (528 East Side Dr, Geneva)  If it is raining the back up location will be the church.  Since the weather is becoming more favorable we will be starting our class B season a few weeks early.  Any scouting related shirt will be acceptable attire.  
Grave flagging - Saturday May 29th - repost

Mid-week program update

Posted by swolfgram on May 12 2021 - 9:28pm

Good evening everyone 

For this week's Mid-week update we have a few updates on what is going on this weekend, during the Memorial Day weekend and our fundraiser.  The website will be updated tonight with everything listed below so don't forget to sign up.
The Fundraiser 
This past Monday we started our summer jerky fundraiser and we are already off to a good start.  So far I have been able to secure 2 out of 3 locations that we can have show and sell. As far as I know we are the only troop doing this type of sale/product at any of these events.  I will have product with me this weekend and on Monday.
Friday the 14th evening 
The members Camp Kane have invited Troop One and any other scouts to have dinner with them at the Camp Kane historic site. This will be simple hot dogs and snacks with smores around the campfire.  We will begin at 6p. This outting and Saturday's event count as our May troop outings.  Please come if you can for some good company and stories around the campfire.
Bonus point
Not only can you work on the Sales merit badge during this upcoming weekend,  you can also start chipping away at the American Heritage merit badge.
Camp Kane day - Saturday May 15th
The agenda is to arrive at Camp Kane at 9a to set up our station and get ready for the day.  At 10a sharp we will be presenting the flags with the boys from Troop 14.  Directly following we will begin our fundraiser sale throughout the afternoon.  The dress code for this event is Class A during the flag ceremony and class B for the rest of the day.  We were specifically instructed by council DO NOT wear Class A while doing our fundraiser.  Please remember to bring a lunch or a snack if you intend on staying the whole day. This event will go from 10:00 a.m. To 3:00 p.m.   If you only have a few minutes of the day to come and participate please come for the flag ceremony at the beginning.  The artillery specialists will be firing off their 12 pound cannons at 11a sharp and 2p sharp.
Grave flagging - Saturday May 29th
The American Legion has asked troop one to assist them in placing flags on the graves of the veterans in Union cemetery.  We will begin at around 9a and finish roughly about noon.
Memorial Day flag ceremony

I was able to confirm with the American Legion that we will be doing the final flag ceremony of the morning on Memorial Day.  The estimated time for the ceremony at Union cemetery is 7:15.  We should arrive at 6:45 to get ourselves settled in and prepared for this final commemorative act of the morning.  I hope to have a final agenda this coming Monday evening

S.M.S for 5 - 9

Posted by swolfgram on May 9 2021 - 9:13pm
Good Evening Everyone
Here is the new news of the week and it is jam packed with upcoming things.  We have a lot on our plate and I need all scouts to help out.
Monday meeting 5 - 10 P.L.C & C.M
This month's Patrol Leader Council and Committee Meeting will be held at Camp Kane historic site.  (at the intersection of 25 & Devereaux Dr... Langum park)  The P.L.C will begin at 6p and the C.M will start directly following it at 7p.  Please remember to bring a chair to the meeting.  We will be having a meeting after the P.L.C at 7p.  It will be pertaining to flag etiquette for our upcoming events.
For those of you who can't attend in person we will have the live stream running on our zoom channel. The P.L.C video will begin at 6 o'clock or shortly thereafter.  The C.M video will begin at 7 o'clock or shortly thereafter.   Both meetings will be streamed on the same link.  The link will be attached to the bottom of this letter and I will send out a reminder an hour before the meeting tomorrow.
Topics for each meeting may include but are not limited to
Lincoln's pilgrimage - review
Camp Kane day
Memorial day 
Summer camp - C.F.L 7-11 - 7-17
New fundraising possibilities - update
New meeting events and locations
camping, when, where, how.
And oh so much more
Future forecast - update
Camp Kane day
We have been invited for dinner and snacks Friday the 14th.  Some simple hotdogs over the fire with some smores at the end like last September.  We can even toss a service hour in with a little set up help.  The next day Saturday the 15th, the camp has asked us to present the flags at 10a and lower them at 3p.  In return we can run a sales booth at the event and try to make some money off of our spring / summer fundraiser. FYI...they are pretty darn good! If you participate you can also work on earning the sales merit badge.  I have been told there will be some alderman at the event and a reporter from the Kane County Chronicle, but that has not been confirmed yet.
Grave flagging Saturday 29th 9a
We have been asked by the Legion to help them place flags on the graves of veterans in Union cemetery.  There will be other troops and packs there that morning so we will not be doing it alone. We will need to meet in Union cemetery at 8:45 SHARP on Saturday the 29th.  This is a service project and WILL count as service hours.
Memorial Day 7a
Troop one WILL be doing the last flag ceremony of the morning at Union cemetery.  We need you to be at Union at 7am SHARP! 
The High Adventure reboot - 6-4 - 6-7 (repost)

Join Troop One as we reboot our High Adventure Program.  For the first time ever we will be journeying out to the National Museum of the US Air Force. (1100 Spaatz St, Dayton, OH 45431)

May Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on May 2 2021 - 9:32pm

May scoop

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