
Patrol Filter

S.M.S for 4 - 4

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 4 2021 - 9:08pm

Good evening everyone 

 I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Spring break, passover and Easter.  As the Spring starts to open up our possibility pool again we will be trying to do more outside as the daylight permits.  There is a good chance that if the weather cooperates we will be able to meet up at Good Templar Park starting in May with the church as a bad weather backup.
Monday meeting 4 - 5
For our Monday meeting we have a representative from the Order of the Arrow coming to our troop to discuss what Order of the Arrow is and potentially electing a few scouts from our troop to join the organization. For many of you, you will probably ask what the Order of the Arrow actually is. This is a summary as to who and what they are.
For this election to work I need all available troop one members to be at the meeting.   We have a few members of the troop eligible for election and I think it would be very good of us all if we were able to give them the chance to be Order members.  After elections we will be holding a personalized swearing-in ceremony for a new member of our troop.  Let's officially welcome Seth by giving him the appropriate attire of troop one.
We will have a live in person meeting at St. Marks Church 7p.
Future event forecast 

 On April 17th the Ottawa district will be holding a Spring-er-all day outing at Camp Big Timber. The troop has two options that we need to make a decision on as of our meeting tomorrow Monday.  We have been asked to run the pancake toss booth.  Troop 14 has also invited us to participate in the event itself.  So, we need to make the decision whether we are just going to run the pancake toss or, run the pancake toss and participate in this event

April Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 2 2021 - 11:23pm

April Troop Scoop

S.M.S for 3 - 29

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 29 2021 - 12:24am

Good evening everyone 

Having the honor to welcome new scouts into our troop is a privilege that I always enjoy.   Every new scout that joins brings with them a new sense of excitement and energy.   Long after the brag vest is turned in for the merit badge sash and the numbers on the shoulder are switched around you find a new adventure with people you didn't even expect to meet.  Placing yourself in a whole new environment and finding out that you are not only making it work but thriving at it.

S.M.S for 3 - 21

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 21 2021 - 10:51pm
Good evening everyone 
I want to thank everyone that was able to come to the camp-out this past weekend.  For the 1st time in over a year we finally got a chance to go camping.  We were able to complete a lot while we where up at the cabin this weekend.  There is still more to do but we at least got a big portion of it done.  If the spring continues to open up for us April will be better and May may be even better still.

S.M.S for 3 - 14

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 14 2021 - 8:22pm
Good evening everyone
I hope everyone had a chance to partake in this weekend's fantastic weather. Hopefully we will see the same scenario play out next weekend as we go for our camp Indian Trails camp out.  As we move further into spring and more things become available we as a troop can reincorporate many of the interesting things that we had hoped to do last year but couldn't.   Hikes, trips and even the unconventional meeting idea are all on the table. Some of the strangest meeting ideas turn out to be the most interesting times.   Let me know what's on your mind and let's see if we can't turn it into something the group could really get into.
Monday Meeting 3 - 15
At this week's meeting we will be going over the upcoming camp out and menu planning. 
March Camp-out - Camp Indian Trails - re-post
(just in case you have not seen this yet)
There are two major updates for our March camp out.  It is confirmed that the cabin in Gilberts WILL NOT be able to host us this spring.  Therefore, we will be switching the location to Camp Indian Trails just north of Janesville WI. 
The cabin that I was able to rent sleeps 28. It also has plenty of room both inside and outside if you would prefer tent camping.  Please note:  Most of our 3rd years need at least one night in a tent that they have pitched in order to qualify for 2nd class. This would complete that requirement. 
We all know our March camp out will most definitely be different than any we've had in the past.  This year it will be a combination of our electronics camp-out and our spring kick off camp out.  We will be allowing scouts to bring any games they want with them on this camp-out.  Any electronic, board game or card games they would like to bring is fair game.  The weekend will be a mixture of scout skills and games. I believe everyone will be able to get something done and if I am correct could qualify for a rank advancement by the end of the month.  I will need a volunteer to pull the trailer for us.
Spring break - update

S.M.S for 3 - 7

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 7 2021 - 8:15pm

Good evening everyone

Is it spring when the snow starts to melt or is it spring when the daylight gets longer?  Is it spring when you can start to see the flowers come up or is it spring when you can see the grass again?  Is it spring when you can go out without a heavy coat and not freeze or is it spring when you can clean your car's carpet and realize how much junk is on it.  All of these questions and more will not be answered in tonight's letter.  I just ask these questions because I have writer's block and need a filler and opening.
So lets get to it.
Monday meeting 3 - 8 P.L.C & C.M
This month's Patrol Leader Council and Committee Meeting will be held at Saint Marks Church.  The P.L.C will begin at 6p and the C.M will start directly following it at 7p.
For those of you who can't attend in person we will have the live stream running on our zoom channel. The P.L.C video will begin at 6 o'clock or shortly thereafter.  The committee meeting video will begin at 7 o'clock or shortly thereafter.   Both meetings will be streamed on the same link.  The link will be attached to the bottom of this letter and I will send out a reminder an hour before the meeting tomorrow.
Topics for each meeting may include but are not limited to
New fundraising possibilities 
New meeting events and locations
camping, when, where, how.
March Camp-out - Camp Indian Trails / update
There are two major updates for our March camp out.  It is confirmed that the cabin in Gilberts WILL NOT be able to host us this spring.  Therefore, we will be switching the location to camp Indian Trail's just north of Janesville WI. 
The cabin that I was able to rent sleeps 28 and has plenty of room both inside and outside if you would prefer tent camping.  Please note:  Most of our 3rd years need at least one night in a tent that they have pitched in order to qualify for 2nd class. This would complete that requirement.  As of now (3-7) we will be the only troop in the camp on that weekend.  
We all know our March camp out will most definitely be different than any that we've had in the past.  This year it will be a combination of our electronics camp-out and our spring kick off camp out.  We will be allowing scouts to bring any games they want with them on this camp-out.  Any electronic, board or card games they would like to bring is fair game.  The weekend will be a mixture of scout skills and games. I believe everyone will be able to get something done and if I am correct could qualify for a rank advancement by the end of the month.  I will need a volunteer to pull the trailer for us.
Spring break - repost

Because this year will be still tight on traveling I would like to know if each family is going to be around for spring break.  If a majority of our families are going to be local for spring break a suggestion that was made was we have a field meeting at the Museum of Science and Industry.  The museum in trying to reopen has done some very ingenious things to get themselves back in business.  Last year when we went to the field museum the boys in attendance were able to earn a rank by the end of the day.

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