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Troop One's newest Eagle scout

Posted by swolfgram on May 4 2022 - 10:29pm
Congratulations to Luke Beckstrom Troop One's newest Eagle scout.
Luke earned his final rank around 8:30 this evening.

S.M.S for 5-1-22

Posted by swolfgram on May 2 2022 - 12:57am
Good evening everyone
With the month of May we start our busiest time of the year.  From now until summer camp we have something going on almost every week and weekend.  Compared to our last few years, that isn't a bad thing.  Please go to the website and sign up for everything!  The trip to Green Bay and The Kentucky trip are ticketed events and advanced notice is needed!  The schedule of the Kentucky trip changed a little with the cave tour being on Saturday the 4th, The Lincoln trail on Sunday the 5th and the slugger factory tour on Monday the 6th.  I know some of you have summer classes that start on Monday the 6th and wanted to give you the best chance to participate, earn a few badges and still get back in time.  Summer camp this year will be at Camp Ed Bryant and a deposit of $150.00 is needed before the 15th of May to reserve a slot.  You can talk to Dave about making the payment or setting up a payment plan.  Please don't let money be an issue this season. The troop is here for you if you need help with these bigger ticket items.  Please let Stevan know if the troop can help you out, that is what the troop is here for. 
Tomorrow - Monday - Merit Badge Meeting
Veterinary medicine merit badge
Emergency Veterinary Service building
(530 Dunham Rd, St. Charles, IL 60174)
We will be working on the Veterinary medicine merit badge.  This will be the first time we have worked on this badge as a troop in many years.  We will be meeting over at the Emergency Veterinary Service building (530 Dunham Rd, St. Charles, IL 60174).
Because this is an active animal hospital we have to start early on tomorrow evening.  We will be meeting at 5:30 sharp.
Attached at the bottom is the veterinary medicine merit badge workbook.
Everyone needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.          The class material can be found at
Active Fundraising Opportunity:
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser.
We only have one month left in this spring opportunity for the boys to make some money for the troop and themselves.  We will be selling bulk mulch supplied by Midwest Compost.  This fundraiser will be taking place for just one more month.  You can find the sale files and more on our website.  Just log on and go to the files folder,  fundraising, mulch fundraiser and all files are there.  This is an excellent way for the boys to chip away at the cost of spring / summer events and contribute to paying their own way.  
Upcoming events on the radar:
Upcoming service opportunity
Camp Kane, T.B.D info coming soon
Camp Kane has 2 trailers that they need to have emptied and the contents moved.  One trailer is full of the woodwork and interior from the old Farnsworth mansion.  The camp will one day be able to use it to rebuild the mansion and turn it into a museum. The second trailer is full of items that we will be selling or fixing up.  Maybe even doing an "upcycling project"? They have asked for any help they can get from any group around.  This will probably be a two day project as there is a lot to move around.  This DOES count as service hours.  
Green Bay and Lambeau Field tour
May 13th - 15th 2022 camp-out
Join troop one as we venture behind the "Cheddar Curtain" to the home of the Green Bay Packers.  For the first time in as many years as I can remember Troop One will be going north to Green Bay for our May camp-out.  Venture into the depths of the Packers home field.  Explore the press box, the locker rooms, the owners box and the field itself.  This is the 3 hour tour that any fan of the sport would love to take part in.  Don't miss your chance to take part in this first of its kind trip for the troop.  More info to come as the date gets a little closer.
Camp Kane day in the park
May 21st, 9a - 4p
The Camp Kane foundation has once again asked us to do the flag ceremony at their May event.  Performing the flag ceremony will give us good practice for our Memorial Day flag raising just a week later. 
Memorial Day morning flag ceremony
Monday May 30th.

Join Troop One as we honor the men and women of the United States military that gave their lives in the line of service.

Troop One's newest Eagle scout

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 26 2022 - 10:41pm
Congratulations to Noah Kolodziej Troop One's newest Eagle scout.

Noah earned his final rank around 8:30 this evening

S.M.S for 4-24-22

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 24 2022 - 10:43pm

Good evening everyone 

Success !
It is with great pleasure that I can report our Grants Pilgrimage camp-out 2022 was a complete success.  The kids all seemed to have had a good time,  everyone got something done in their books and most importantly my tire didn't self-destruct on the highway.  (that happened last year on the way back from Springfield)  We had a bit of rain this weekend at the pilgrimage in the evening.  It would definitely not have been a pilgrimage without some rain.  Thank you adults for making this weekend possible and thank you scouts for making it fun. 
Monday meeting  Spring COH
Apr 25th, 6:30 - 8:15p, St.Mark's Church
The time of the ceremony changed a little bit.  It is now from 6:30 - 8:15
Join us for our spring court of honor at St.Mark's Church.  Please RSVP on the website so we can know you are going to attend.
April is our ice cream social month so come and have a sweet treat with the troop.  Please bring a sweet or a treat to pass around.

Everyone needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.          The class material can be found at
Active Fundraising Opportunity:
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser.
We have a fantastic opportunity for the boys to make some money for the troop and themselves this season.  We will be selling bulk mulch supplied by Midwest Compost.  This fundraiser will be taking place from now to June 1st.  You can find the sale files and more on our website.  Just log on and go to the files folder,  fundraising, mulch fundraiser and all files are there.  This is an excellent way for the boys to chip away at the cost of spring / summer events and contribute to paying their own way.  
Upcoming events on the radar:
Upcoming service opportunity
Camp Kane, T.B.D info coming soon
Camp Kane has 2 trailers that they need to have emptied and the contents moved.  One trailer is full of the woodwork and interior from the old Farnsworth mansion.  The camp will one day be able to use it to rebuild the mansion and turn it into a museum. The second trailer is full of items that we will be selling or fixing up.  Maybe even doing an "upcycling project"? They have asked for any help they can get from any group around.  This will probably be a two day project as there is a lot to move around.  This DOES count as service hours.  
Green Bay and Lambeau Field tour
May 13th - 15th 2022 camp-out
Join troop one as we venture behind the "Cheddar Curtain" to the home of the Green Bay Packers.  For the first time in as many years as I can remember Troop One will be going north to Green Bay for our May camp-out.  Venture into the depths of the Packers home field.  Explore the press box, the locker rooms, the owners box and the field itself.  This is the 3 hour tour that any fan of the sport would love to take part in.  Don't miss your chance to take part in this first of its kind trip for the troop.  More info to come as the date gets a little closer.
Camp Kane day in the park
May 21st, 9a - 4p
The Camp Kane foundation has once again asked us to do the flag ceremony at their May event.  Performing the flag ceremony will give us good practice for our Memorial Day flag raising just a week later. 
Memorial Day morning flag ceremony
Monday May 30th.

Join Troop One as we honor the men and women of the United States military that gave their lives in the line of service.

S.M.S. for 4 - 17 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 17 2022 - 9:25pm
Good evening everyone
I hope you all had a happy Easter and got to spend some time with family and friends.  This week is also Passover week and Orthodox Easter is next Sunday.  Take some time this April and spend some time with the people you care about the most and forget about the outside world for just a short amount of time. 
But don't forget about scouts!
We've a lot coming at us in the next few weeks and it all starts this Monday night at St. Marks.
Monday meeting 4 - 18 - 22, 7p
St.Marks Church Gym.
We were going to hold our Order of the Arrow elections and camp-out planning this Monday meeting.  I just received a letter letting me know that the lodge does not have enough election officials to do the troops' elections.  We will be postponing our OA elections until May.  As soon as I get a date back from the lodge I will let everyone know.  We have 4 scouts eligible to join the OA but they can only do so if you vote them in.  We must have 75% of the troop at this upcoming meeting for the election to count.  The four scouts are Joseph Chieco, Anthony Herrera, Porter Snopko and Bradly Votaw.  As soon as we can get the election in our calendar please put it on yours. 
Because the election will be moved we will be working on the details for the Galena trip next weekend.  We will also be finishing up on requirements for our upcoming court of honor on Monday the 25th.
Next weekend is shaping up to be a lot of fun.  We have not been to Galena since 2019.  This will be a productive weekend for all that come.
Noah K eagle board of review
Apr 26, 7p
We need some help with a board of review on April 26th.  If you have never seen an eagle board of review and want to know how it works this is your chance.
Everyone needs this
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.          The class material can be found at
Active Fundraising Opportunity:
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser.
We have a fantastic opportunity for the boys to make some money for the troop and themselves this season.  We will be selling bulk mulch supplied by Midwest Compost.  This fundraiser will be taking place from now to June 1st.  You can find the sale files and more on our website.  Just log on and go to the files folder,  fundraising, mulch fundraiser and all files are there.  This is an excellent way for the boys to chip away at the cost of spring / summer events and contribute to paying their own way.  
Upcoming events on the radar:

2022 U.S.Grants Pilgrimage

S.M.S. for 4 - 10 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 10 2022 - 10:43pm
Good evening everyone
Thank you to everyone that came out to the trailer clean up.  It is a definite difference from what it looked like before, to what it is now.  Big thanks to Mr. V and Mrs. R for pulling the trailers over to the work site.  We are good to go for our next camp-out and it's only two weeks away! (hint - hint - wink - wink - nudge - nudge) We have a lot to talk about this week at the P.L.C and Committee meetings 
Monday P.L.C 4 - 11 - 22, 6 - 7p
Baker Church, Cedar Street entrance
We will be holding a Patrol Leader Council this Monday at Baker Church.  Every scout is invited.
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership and elections
* patrol updates
* Wants / needs
April committee meeting, 4 - 11, 7p
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  We will be holding a new parent / member meeting during the evening.
Everyone needs this
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Active Fundraising Opportunity:
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser.
We have a fantastic opportunity for the boys to make some money for the troop and themselves this season.  We will be selling bulk mulch supplied by Midwest Compost.  This fundraiser will be taking place from March to June.  You can also find the sale files and more on our website.  Just log on and go to the files folder,  fundraising, mulch fundraiser and all files are there.  This is an excellent way for the boys to chip away at the cost of spring / summer events and contribute to paying their own way
Upcoming events on the radar:

2022 U.S.Grants Pilgrimage

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