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S.M.S. for 8 - 30

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 30 2020 - 10:07pm
Good Evening Everyone
I wanted to thank everyone that came to the court of honor this evening.  We had a fantastic turnout and amazing participation.
Monday Aug 31st
For the last meeting in August we will be holding a flag retirement ceremony at the park.  We will be starting at 7 o'clock and retiring as many flags as we can up until 8p.  This is a class A event so please make sure you wear your class A.

We are expecting guests from pack 260 to join us tonight.  As of now we have three that are coming.

S.M.S. for 8 - 23

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 23 2020 - 8:58pm

Good Evening Everyone 

Here is the news that you need to know.
Monday meeting 8 - 24
As everyone knows this is the final meeting before our summer court of honor.  If you have any outstanding merit badge cards or rank advancements that need to be taken care of please let me know.  We already have 2 boards of review and a few merit badges scheduled on the docket for our Monday meeting so please come prepared.  The deadline for any awards will be the close of Monday evening's meeting.  If I do not have the paperwork in my possession by that time you will have to wait until our December Court of Honor to receive your award.  Listed below is the updated list of requirements from camp.  Check to see if this information is correct. Please contact me if you have any questions or corrections.
Model Design and Building
Charles, Anthony and Porter
# 5 and 6
Note:  Use any readily available materials on hand.  Legos, wood, clay, plastic or cardboard whatever is plentiful.
Automotive maintenance
Wyatt, Porter
need blue cards
Anthony, Joey and Charles
#11- A 
#11-A and #11-C
#6, 7, 8 and 9
American business
#3, 5 and 6
Crime prevention
Wyatt and Joey 
#6 and 7
Porter, Charles and
#4, 5 and 6
Fire safety
need blue card
#6a, b, 7c and 11
Wyatt and Porter
need blue card
#8 and 11
#8, 9 and 11
Summer Court of Honor 
Our court of honor will be at LeRoy Oakes forest preserve on Sunday the 30th at 3:00. It is at the same pavilion that we held our summer camp (shelter #1) so everyone should be able to find it easy enough.  Because we had to skip our Spring court of honor we have a back log of awards and recognition to give out.  Attached below is the merit badge and rank advancement read out for the summer court of honor.  Just because you don't see your name on this list doesn't mean we don't have awards for you.  If you have not been to a court of honor in a while please come anyway we may just have some awards for you.
Court of Honor potluck meal
After our award ceremony a late lunch (early supper) will be held around 5pm.  Please remember to sign up on our website so we can know how many people to cook for.  If your last name begins with an A - M please bring a side to pass around. If your last name starts with an N - Z  please bring a dessert.
Monday Aug 31st

For the last meeting in August we will be holding a flag retirement ceremony at the park.  We will be starting at 7 o'clock and retiring as many flags as we can up until 8. This is a class A event so please make sure you wear your

S.M.S. for 8 - 16

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 16 2020 - 8:38pm

Good evening everyone 

I hope everyone was able to stay safe and didn't get blown away or suffer any damage by last Monday's thunderstorms. For the 1st time in a long while we had to cancel the meeting because of severe weather.  We now have a Zoom account for the troop and if anything crazy happens in the near future we will be ready. 

S.M.S. for 8 - 9

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 9 2020 - 8:22pm

Good evening everyone 

I wanted to start tonight's letter off by saying thank you to everyone who was able to attend Jack Drake's Eagle project. Because of all the help Jack was able to get his project was finished Saturday morning before noon.  He and his family had done some pre-work on the site and all of that pre-work paid off.  In all the time that I have been helping out on Eagle projects I haven't ever helped construct a ga-ga ball pit.  The principal of Lincoln Elementary School was very happy with the final result. 

August Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 3 2020 - 12:32pm

August Troop Scoop

S.M.S. for 8 - 2

Posted by swolfgram on Aug 2 2020 - 9:09pm

Good evening everyone

I hope everybody has recovered and is ready to start up again after our closer-to-home camp. The scouts were able to complete 36 merit badges With 16 partial's.  Out of all of the partial merit badges most of them are straightforward and without a lot of hassle.  Having a day camp over at LeRoy Oakes gave us a much greater ability to do things without the cost or the confines they would have had going to Freeland Leslie.  As I'm sure all the kids noticed, they where able to have free time to just goof off, walk around and have a little bit of freedom to explore.  
The final summer camp cost
The original cost estimate was going to be placed at $50 per scout. After all the expenditures I am happy to report that the cost of camp will be cut to $40 per scout. Those who already paid the $50 will be refunded the overpayment. Those who still owe for camp please remit your $40 as soon as possible.  
Monday meeting - merit badge Monday
Monday 8/3 evening we will be trying to finish off some of the merit badges that the kids started at camp.  If for some reason we cannot work on the badges because of rain we will be updating scout books and recording requirements for advancement. The boys were able to complete a fair few rank requirements  during camp.


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