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Summer Camp 2020 update 7 - 1

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 1 2020 - 9:01pm
Choosing your merit badges
Just like at camp Freeland Leslie you can choose the merit badges you would like to work on.  Make a list with your top 5 most wanted badges from our list and prioritized them.  Rather than having to do the prerequisites before going to camp you can do the prerequisites during or after our camp.   Because we have some amazing counselors and excellent older scouts willing to serve as teachers aides we have a fantastic chance of knocking out a lot of badges during this week.  If you will be attending our camp I will need to know what badges you have chosen by no later than the 13th.  This will give us enough time to schedule our counselors and make sure all of the supplies are ready.

Newest Eagle Scout Mitchell P

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 1 2020 - 8:55pm
Newest Eagle Scout
I would personally like to congratulate Mitchell P.  This evening he became our troops newest Eagle Scout.  He had his board of review and was awarded the honor of Eagle at 7:12 pm

S.M.S. for 6 - 28

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 28 2020 - 10:07pm
Good evening everyone 
Sorry for this being a little late everyone I was waiting for a weather report and wanted to be as accurate as possible.  I will get into that in just a moment.
Earlier this week I sent out a major update on summer camp.   If for whatever reason you did not see it I will place the update at the bottom of this letter.  Now that Illinois is in Phase 4 we have the ability to do something fun and educational for the scouts in July.  July has always been the month for our summer camp trip and with any luck this July will hold to that tradition.  As of now everything seems to be coming together slowly but surely.   Please take a look at the details and if you are available that week please attend our Closer-To-Home Summer Camp 2020.  I know that it won't be the same as Camp Freeland Leslie but in the current circumstances it could be just as fulfilling and worthwhile.
Monday meeting 6 - 29
This Monday was meant to be our 1st flag ceremony of the season.  The forecast is calling for isolated thunderstorms and rain during the time that we would be at the park.  At this time I am postponing the flag retirement ceremony until later on in July. I see it as counterproductive trying to retire flags when you are in the rain or dodging storms.   As of right now it is only a 30% chance but better safe than sorry.
For this meeting we will be going over summer camp merit badges and starting to look at our badge possibilities.
Mondays in July
Monday the 5th and Monday the 13th
(Depending on what happens in our state) we will be going over details for our summer camp.  On Monday the 5th  We will be working on our menu for the week.  On Monday the 13th  We will be finalizing the details  And scheduling merit badge counselors and teachers aides.
From the mid week update

Summer Camp 2020

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 24 2020 - 2:49pm
Summer Camp 2020
Join us this year for Troop Ones 2020 closer to home summer camp experience.  We believe because of the virus it will be more economical and logical to host our own version of summer camp rather than going to Camp Freeland Leslie. 

Merit badges for summer camp

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 22 2020 - 1:09pm

MBC listing

S.M.S. for 6 - 21

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 21 2020 - 8:44pm

Good evening everyone

Last week all the scouts in attendance were able to wrap up the 1st aid merit badge.  This week we are going to be doing something a little more light and less stressful.
Please remember the bathrooms are closed at this time, so go before you come.
Monday Meeting 6 - 22
Tomorrow evening the weather reports are calling for the possibility of rain.   If the weather man is correct and it does rain instead of meeting in the back by the kitchen building we will be meeting in the front underneath the big pavilion.  
The main topic for tomorrow will be a few light and fun team building games. Simple things such as Frisbee golf, Baseball and knot challenges.  A light and easy night.
Flag retirement ceremony

Monday June 29th we will be holding a flag retirement ceremony at Good Templar Park.  This will be a special 2 hour meeting as we have a large amount of flags to retire.  We will have five time slots to choose from.  Each time slot is broken into 30 minute intervals. The time slots are from  6 - 6:30,  6:30 - 7,  7 - 7:30,  7:30 - 8,  8 - 8:30.  We will stop retiring flags at 8 o'clock so that the flags have a chance to completely burn.  I will have the sign-up list this Monday.

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