
Patrol Filter

Wreath and program weekend update

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 27 2020 - 11:18pm


Good evening everyone 

Regarding wreath payments
If you have collected your wreath payment and have it ready to be turned in please give Dave Kolodziej a call.  Please make sure to 1) make a copy of your order form and 2) account for all of the checks or money you have collected.   If any of your customers would like to pay with a check make sure the check is made out to Boy Scout Troop One with wreaths in the memo section. (It is also helpful to note on the order sheet for your records who paid either check or cash). 
Monday meeting early heads up

S.M.S for 11 - 22

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 22 2020 - 9:41pm

Good evening everyone 

There are only a few things to talk about this week so I will get right into it.

Wreath Pickup and Merit Badge info

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 20 2020 - 10:01pm
Good evening everyone
Wreath pickup will be available this Sunday the 22nd from 1-4pm at 1108 Prairie St. and again on Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm.  If you have any questions or need to schedule a pickup please contact Jeff Bainbridge.  
PLEASE BRING YOUR ORDER FORMS so we can check you off.
Also don't forget the Citizenship in the community badge Saturday morning on our Zoom.
Stevan Wolfgram is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Citizenship in the community (Full Badge)
Time: Nov 21, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 6577 3380
One tap mobile
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+13017158592,,85965773380# US (Washington D.C)

Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 859 6577 3380
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kxluvPCR5



Mid-week program update

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 18 2020 - 7:20pm

Good evening everyone 

As most of you have probably heard by now the IL government has yet again shut down indoor meetings for groups of any size.  For this reason for the foreseeable future we will be moving our Monday meetings to our zoom channel.  Now that we have the zoom in our back pockets we can continue with Monday meetings with very little problems or delay. There are a few things I have in mind that were given to me by the boys last Monday for meeting ideas so we will be playing off of those ideas for the time being.  

S.M.S for 11 - 15

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 15 2020 - 11:52pm

Good evening everyone 

I would like to thank everyone that came out for our Veterans Day flag ceremony this past Wednesday.  Seeing as it was a mid-week event I was skeptical about anyone showing up. Thankfully my fears were wrong and five scouts from Troop 1, two from Troop 14 and a guest from Troop 80 came to help.  We had 11 pack 260 scouts participate.  I even overheard a few talking about how when they get the chance they would like to join our troop. A lot can happen in a year's time but I think if we can continue to show this Pack and others that we are still holding meetings and have been able to participate even in the toughest of times we can be here for many years to come.

S.M.S for 11 - 8

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 8 2020 - 9:42pm

Good evening everyone 

Another week has come to pass and here again is the S.M.S. I want to thank everyone that came out to the Trolley Museum this past Saturday.  It was an even better showing then I expected.  I had never been there and I have been living in the area all my life.  I know some of you had the exact sentiment too.  If you know of any locations around here that are places off the beaten path that we can go to or see please let me know and we will see what we can work out.
Patrol Leaders Council and Committee meeting
Our P.L.C will be held at the Campton Hills Community Center A.K.A The Station at 6p and the C.M right after that at 7p.  The P.L.C and C.M will be a hybrid meeting. In person and Zoom style just in case you can't make it out or down.  Everyone with a position of responsibility needs to attend.  I will send the link at 5p tomorrow so anyone and everyone can tune in.    
Wreath sale 2020
I ask everyone to keep plugging away as best as they can on our only fundraiser of the season.  Every scout should pull out all the stops and make every call you are able to.  I ran a quick numbers guess and if you sell around 250.00 in wreaths your dues for 2021 will be covered.  This is only a quick guess and I won't have the final numbers till Monday evening.
V.F.W fire vigil
Join Troop One in our Third annual Batavia VFW Fire Vigil Camp-out
Troop one has been invited to join 4 other troops in participating in an invitation only camping event.Troop One will be taking part in a veterans weekend recruitment camp-out.  It will be held at the Batavia VFW in Batavia IL on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of November. The campfire will start at 6pm on Friday and not be let to die out until Sunday at 8am. For Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner we will be cooking for ourselves.  Cub-scouts will be visiting on Saturday and we have the ability to get some interested in joining. We will need help tending the fire overnight and during the weekend.
Here's hoping the weather is dry.  Below are the times that we need help.

Saturday, 11/21

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