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S.M.S for 11 - 1

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 1 2020 - 7:27pm
Good evening everyone 
I hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend. With everything either closed down or diminished there may not be a lot to do.  Coming up with your own activities are even more important now than ever.   For me it was listening to ghost stories on the radio until the early hours of the morning.  It's become somewhat of a tradition on Halloween for me so I hope you were able to do something you enjoyed while staying closer to home this year.
I have a few updates and a couple things for you to put on your calendar. 
So here we go.
Wreath sale 2020
I hope everyone is trying their best to sell as many wreaths as possible this season.  We all know there's a lot going on and not a lot of people are even thinking about the holidays right now.  I ask all our scouts young and old to do everything that they possibly can to make as many wreath sales as possible. We know it's tough right now but every little bit that you are able to do for our troop helps immensely in the long run. Everyone on your list from last year is a potential customer.  I would also suggest calling up former scouts and those who have just recently moved on from scouting.  They have contact lists and if their families had once been willing to purchase a wreath maybe lightning will strike twice.
Monday meeting location - repost from Friday

Meeting update and special day trip

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 30 2020 - 11:12pm

Good evening everyone 

I wanted to give everyone this early heads up for Monday night's meeting. I also have a fantastic day outing we can do on the morning of Saturday November 7th.  I will be able to give you most of the info tonight, the rest I'm still trying to nail down and  hope to have it done by Sunday evening. 

S.M.S for 10 - 25

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 26 2020 - 1:33am
Good evening everyone 
As everyone has probably noticed by now Kane County is back in phase 3 for a couple of weeks.  As far as troop one is concerned we will continue to have in person meetings either at the Campton Hills community center or any location that is willing to have us.  As of now we are small enough troop to continue to do in person meetings for the foreseeable future.  I guess being a small troop is a blessing at this time rather than a curse.
Older scouts where are you?
As the title says older scouts where are you?  For the past few months we  haven't seen hide nor hair of you and I'm wondering why?  What is the hold up?  Why are you not attending meetings? This is an open question so when you get thus letter, please let me know.  For some of you I know the reason and these are acceptable excuses.  The rest of you, at least let me know what is going on.  Even during this virus issue we have a lot of good things going on and coming up.  We need our older scout leadership structure and would really appreciate your assistance and knowledge.  Our younger scouts would really benefit from your help.

Monday meeting 10 - 26

Newest Eagle Scouts

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 23 2020 - 9:06pm
Good evening everyone 

I am happy to announce that on this night Brock Donati and Josh Kolodziej have each earned their Eagle scout awards.

S.M.S for 10 - 18

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 18 2020 - 8:10pm
Good evening everyone 

One of the oldest sayings is that "it's as easy as riding a bicycle all you've got to do is hop on and petal".  Well I'm here to tell you that that adage is incorrect.  In preparation for our bike trip on Saturday morning I tested out my bicycle just to make sure that I still knew how to ride.  I had not been on a bicycle for about a decade.  It was a rather harrowing experience.  I bounced off the recycle bin and almost plowed into the oak tree.  I would respectfully ask the guy that came up with that saying to go take a hike, because he's obviously never ridden a bicycle.

Mid week update - new plan bike hike

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 14 2020 - 7:38pm

Good evening everyone 

Because we were not able to get enough participants for a camp-out to the sparta bike trail we will be holding a bike hike on the Great Western Trail this Saturday morning.   We will be meeting at the Campton Hills Community Center at 10a Saturday morning for a 10 mile bike hike.

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