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S.M.S for 7 - 26 The post camp edition

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 26 2020 - 9:51pm

Good evening everyone 

I want to thank everyone that was able to help out and participate this past week.  We had a much better showing than I was originally expecting.  We even had a former scout come to visit for an afternoon. Good to see you Kyle!  In total, the boys worked on over 50 merit badges and were able to complete over 40 during the week.  I am still in the process of tallying up the badge count so accurate numbers aren't in yet.  Some of these badges which had been started last fall, were able to be completed  during this past week's camp.  The rest of the badges have only 1 or 2 other requirements not completed. Because we are so close to home completing them with one of our counselors should be a very easy task.  Some of the badges that the boys chose were more complicated and required a little more time, effort or a project to finish.   

Before camp final prep

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 17 2020 - 9:54pm

Good evening everyone

In the last update before our closer to home summer camp I have a few final updates.  Attached at the bottom is the badge schedule and menu for the week.  You may see that some of the badges you have chosen were not available.  This is based on timing or the counselors we have on hand.  I did try to fit everything in and accommodate everyone but in some cases I was not able to put it in the schedule. As of now this is the final schedule but if new information comes up between now and Monday I will send out an update.
There is a very good chance that during the week a number of our older scouts and scouts that have graduated from scouting will be coming around to visit us.  Some of them may even be the Mr. Rogers mystery guest of the day.  
What you need for the day -
Because we are relatively close to home forgetting something isn't catastrophic. Things that you must remember to bring are the following.
Water bottle
Insect repellent 
Face mask
Backpack or messenger bag
Notebook with pencil or pens
Scout book
Wear close toed shoes or boots
Some type of hat 
Camp chair

Feel free to bring anything else that is not specifically listed here.  Since hand sanitizer is a hot commodity we ask that you bring your own personal supply. We will also have some sanitizer and hand wipes available.

Mid-Week update

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 16 2020 - 1:42am
Good evening everyone
I want to start off with very good news. Our summer camp Is going to happen next week barring any unforeseen circumstances. There are a few changes to the plan but for the most part I think it will all come together.
This message will be 1 of 2 that I'm going to be sending out.  The 2nd one should be out Friday evening With the menu and merit badge list / schedule. The final cost of our camp as of now is going to be $50.00 per person, youth or adult for the week.  This will cover expenses and supplies.
Camp location

I received word earlier this afternoon from Good Templar Park that at this time they will not be allowing any larger activities or day outings.  This would have been a death blow to the camp idea but after making some calls I was able to find an alternative venue for our camp. Lee Roy Oakes forest preserve is open and has availability next week.  We have access to shelter #1 inside the forest preserve. That's the pavilion closest to the fire bowl in the back. If you were ever at Lee Roy Oakes for T.F.C Winter All it's that same area.  The shelter has space, electricity, water, (most importantly) outhouse access and cooking ability.    I'm also talking to one of these service project coordinators to find out if there are any service projects we can work on while we are over there.  This leaves us with a large portion of the original plan in place while still being local.

S.M.S. for 7 - 12

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 12 2020 - 9:25pm
Good Evening Everyone
This week I have a few updates and have included the midweek update if you missed it.   Everything below will be talked about at tomorrow's meeting so if you have not been to a meeting in some time, now is the time to attend.
Monday P.L.C and C.M
This Monday is our Patrol Leaders Council meeting at 6:00p and Committee meeting at 7:00p at the park.  Since this will be the final meeting before we try to go through with our version of summer camp I will need as many people and as much input as possible.  As of now I have only received merit badge requests from a few people.  Tomorrow evening is the deadline so, if for whatever reason you've been sitting on the fence about submitting your merit badge requests NOW is the time to do it!  If we cannot get any additional people to participate and sign up on the website I don't believe we will be able to hold this event beginning July 20th.  It's coming up fast, the week after next.  
Cost of camp update
The cost of camp estimate was originally $50 per person for the week. After doing a lot of price checking and estimates as of right now the cost of camp will range between $50.00 - $75.00 per person which is considerably less expensive than CFL. I'm still waiting to hear back from Good Templar Park on whether we can use the indoor bathrooms or not. If we cannot (like I am starting to believe) we will have to rent a few portable toilets.  I spoke to the people over at Lakeshore Waste Management and their price on a pair of toilets was 350.00. If anyone has any leads on cheaper toilets for the week please let me know
The other cost that we are running into is the cost of cleaning supplies. As everyone knows cleaning supplies are a hot commodity and everybody wants a warehouse full of hand sanitizer and toilet paper at all times.  The downside is of course the initial cost.  However the upside of the troop having a lot of cleaning supplies on hand is that they will at some time in the future be used.  Whether we will have our own small stockpile, it takes a while for soap to go bad. We can always use them on other camp outs and events.
Backup plans for camp. Options have changed slightly. 
When it comes to scouts we always have to have other plans in place in order to make something happen.  Because we seem to be living in uncertain times, maybe for the foreseeable future, there are a few options for us to still have a summer camp.  This will be based on what happens in the state and the toilet availability.  
Considering the necessity for alternatives these are the plans.
Plan A, (the one that we are on right now) Monday through Thursday we meet at the park in the morning to work on badges leaving around 7:00 p.m. Lunches & dinners included.  On Friday we meet at the park at 6pm and hold a weekend camp out.  
Plan B, We meet Monday through Friday at the park working on badges until around 7pm.  We WOULD NOT hold a camp out that weekend but meet on Friday same time to work on Scout skills.  This is just in case the park says we can't camp overnight that weekend for whatever reason.
Plan C, Have merit badge work that week from 8:30a - 3:00p Monday through Friday. We will have lunch but no dinner, which will also help reduce the cost. 
Plan D, We would cancel altogether (this of course being the worst case scenario). 
We have all of these options just in case of any changes. 
If you didn't catch the recent midweek update here is what happened.
If you haven't made a decision, this is another reason you should be here.
Due to the virus, Brock D was unable to complete his position of responsibility for the troop.  This is one of the last requirements he needs for his Eagle scout position of responsibility.  Our summer camp allows him to be a camp counselor which fulfills a special scoutmaster selected service project for the troop.  Not only would you be helping yourself by earning some badges and some rank requirements, you will be helping Brock get one step closer to earning his Eagle.
Camp tenting changes
Troop ones' policy has always been that you must tent with one of your fellow scouts until you reach the rank of 1st class.  Because of the virus we are lifting this requirement and you can do 1 of 3 things.  Option one,  you can tent alone and if you have your own tent (four person or smaller) you can bring it with you and use it exclusively.  Option two you can still tent with a partner but you will have to sleep head to toe versus head to head this follows some of the guidelines that national and council has recommended for tenting partners for the foreseeable future.  Option three if you have a larger tent (six person or greater) there should be plenty of space for you and your partner(s).

Summer camp menu

Mid-Week update 7 - 8

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 9 2020 - 12:44am
Good evening everyone 
In this midweek camp update we will have a camp tenting requirement update, menu plan and another reason why you should come. If you have not signed up for camp on the website please do it now. We need to know how many are interested and a more solid number of those planning to attend. Also, in the notes section please list the merit badges you would like to work on.
If you haven't made a decision, this is another reason you should be here.
Due to the virus, Brock D was unable to complete his position of responsibility for the troop.  This is one of the last requirements he needs for his Eagle scout position of responsibility.  Our summer camp allows him to be a camp counselor which fulfills a special scoutmaster selected service project for the troop.  Not only would you be helping yourself by earning some badges and some rank requirements, you will be helping Brock get one step closer to earning his Eagle.
Camp tenting changes
Troop ones' policy has always been that you must tent with one of your fellow scouts until you reach the rank of 1st class.  Because of the virus we are lifting this requirement and you can do 1 of 3 things.  Option one,  you can tent alone and if you have your own tent (four person or smaller) you can bring it with you and use it exclusively.  Option two you can still tent with a partner but you will have to sleep head to toe versus head to head this follows some of the guidelines that national and council has recommended for tenting partners for the foreseeable future.  Option three if you have a larger tent (six person or greater) there should be plenty of space for you and your partner(s).

Summer camp menu

S.M.S. for 7 - 5

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 5 2020 - 9:18pm
Good evening everyone
I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July this past weekend.   With everything being canceled I hope that if your neighborhood had any fireworks displays you were able to enjoy them and have some fun. 

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