
Patrol Filter

S.M.S. for 5 - 10

Posted by swolfgram on May 10 2020 - 9:22pm
Good Evening Everyone
Yet another week has passed and the lockdown is still in place.  Spring time has finally come and even though it started with a bit of a chill warmer days are on the way.   There's been a lot of developments over the past couple days that you need to know and we as a troop need to be able to discuss.  The 2nd Monday of the month is tomorrow which means our Patrol Leader Council (P.L.C) and Committee Meeting (C.M) will be taking place this Monday evening.  There are a boat load of things that we need to get into so let's get to it.  

S.M.S. for 5 - 4

Posted by swolfgram on May 3 2020 - 9:58pm
Good evening everyone 
Another week has come and gone and here we are again.  What's new?......let's take a look in the Barney bag and see what we can make today.  
Monday meeting 5 - 4
Meeting link:
Meeting number:
297 488 803
ScoutTroop1 (72688876 from phones and video systems)
Host key:
Because tomorrow is May the 4th we will be doing a little something different than the usual for Star Wars day.  We'll be looking at a few videos about Star Wars science.   Because we are all still stuck inside why not watch a few videos of the most iconic sci-fi movie ever.  The first half will be the science behind the lightsaber and can a lightsaber actually be made.  The second half will be on other Star Wars things.  So this week forget the books and pick up your nerd hat for some Star Wars related goodness.
Most of them will be by Because Science with Kyle Hill.
Why this? Why not

This was an idea given to me by the boys and who am I to say no to them on Star Wars day. 

May 2020 Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on May 1 2020 - 9:17pm

The May 2020 troop scoop

S.M.S. for 4 - 26

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 26 2020 - 9:15pm

Good evening everyone 

I want to think everyone who  participated in the Lincolns Pilgrimage this past weekend. We had fantastic weather, wonderful food and amazing company. The museums and historical locations we were able to go to gave the boys a much needed dose of history and insight.....  
Or at least all this would have happened in an alternate timeline.
In our version of reality it was cool, rainy, and gloomy.  There was one little ray of light this past weekend. Seven scouts who needed the 1st aid merit badge where able to participate in our online presentation of the badge.   Even though the demonstrate portion of this badge is a little tricky at this time we got done all that we could.  For the time being at least.   During the month of May we will be putting on a few other merit badges and the May schedule should be ready and running by the 1st.  More now than ever please check the website at least once or twice a week for updates to the calendar.
Monday meeting 4 - 27
We will start off on the Webex site and breakout from there.
First years will be working on:
3a. Explain the patrol method. Describe the types of patrols that are used in your troop.

3b. Become familiar with your patrol name, emblem, flag, and yell.
Explain how these items create patrol spirit.

S.M.S. for 4 - 20

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 19 2020 - 9:41pm
Good evening everyone
For this weekend letter there are a few things I wanted to send out and an idea I wanted to float.   Firstly I want to think Patrick and Mitchell for turning me on to Webex meeting site. I had completely forgotten about them and after putting myself to a crash course on how to put a meeting together it turns out that Webex is nifty.   Going forward using Webex to do major badges and Classwork will be an asset. 

S.M.S for 4 - 12 New program schedule announcement

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 12 2020 - 9:36pm

Good evening everyone

I hope that everyone is having a safe and happy Easter and Passover week.  This announcement is to let everyone know that starting this Monday we will be holding an online meeting at 7pm.  If you've been keeping up-to-date with the emails and notices, we now have a Discord Voice Channel.  The boys have been working hard to make it operational. Last week during our proof of concept meeting we had 12 people on with only a few snags.  If you have not already done so please join in. 

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