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Mid week activities update

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 14 2021 - 11:43pm
This Monday we will be having a special in person meeting.  Nowadays as everyone knows it's very difficult to try to find something to do or a place to meet that we can actually do something.  This Monday we will be taking a hike around downtown Saint Charles.  At around 6:45 we will be meeting at Saint Mark's church to coordinate hikers.

S.M.S for 1 - 10

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 10 2021 - 8:02pm

Good evening everyone 

I want to think everyone that helped out at Cubsicle yesterday and last weekend.  I believe we were one of the few troops that had any boys come to help out.  I will probably be corrected on that but all in all it was a good way to help out your fellow scouter.  Tomorrow will be our first Patrol Leaders Council and Committee Meeting of the New Year.   Whether you are a scout with a position of responsibility or not we want your input.  Whether you are a committee member / adult leader or just a parent volunteer we need your help and input.  Every good idea is another idea that we can work with to make something out of.
Monday meeting - P.L.C and C.M
We have a few scouts from pack 260 that have shown some interest in coming to our troop.  We need to come up with one or two good events to hopefully convince them to come over to us this year.  As a troop, we need to come up with a few things that we can do on a few winter weekends where we get out and about doing something.  The P.L.C starts at 6p
For Monday night's committee meeting we have an update on the sale of the smallest trailer.  Also, discussions on new fundraiser that the kids may be able to sink their teeth into and a program update.   The C.M starts at 7p 

Tune in with your preferred mode of communication via our zoom channel.  Below is the link to the Zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget.

S.M.S for 1 - 3

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 4 2021 - 12:33am

Good evening everyone 

With the new year comes new opportunity and renewed optimism for 2021.   It is my deepest wish that this year brings everyone a newfound sense of energy and hope.  I know that at some point during this year we will once again be able to go camping, go on day outings, or do something together. Whether it is under the scouting banner or just as a group of friends.   My whole plan for last year was to go bigger and bolder than we have in the past.  I hope that this year those ideas can finally start to be realized. The 1st half of the year will more than likely be on a month by month basis.  Usually I try to have the entire calendar updated and ready to go by the 1st of the year.  Because our current circumstances are still present and prevalent, most of what we do will have to be weekly or bi-weekly.  The meetings will continue to be at 7 o'clock on regular nights and 6 o'clock for the patrol leaders council on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Monday meeting 1 - 4
This Monday will kick off our new year of meetings. This year at least for the 1st portion of it we will be incorporating rank requirements and merit badges with some new and exciting additions sprinkled in.  Our 1st big announcement will be at 7:50 tomorrow evening.  What will it be?  You'll just have to tune in and find out.
Tune in with your preferred mode of communication via our zoom channel. 
Below is the link to the Zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget. 

In closing


Posted by swolfgram on Dec 31 2020 - 11:23am
Cubsicle service hours
Mrs. Griswold sent me this opportunity that I think we should try to take part in. The two dates are January 2nd and January 9th.   This would be a perfect time to assist Cub Scouts and have a great start to the New Year. Here are the details. 
we will have three - two hour sessions.   They will be as follows:
            9:00 am to 11:00 am
            11:30 am to 1:30 pm
            2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Staff would need to be at camp from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.  Lunch will be provided.
The theme for this year's Cubscicle is "Cubditarod", and the following sessions are being offered:
        Sledding (bring your own sled)
        Nature - Animal tracks
        Mason jar lanterns
        Popsicle stick sleds
        Sling Shots
I will be helping out on the 2nd.  If there are any scouts that would like to volunteer for the day or have any interest in helping out there will be a sign up on the website.

Mid-week program update

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 23 2020 - 8:47pm

Good evening everyone 

This Saturday (December 26th) I will be trying to put together another service project over at Camp Kane.  Because almost everybody seems to be home for the holidays this may be a good chance to pick off a couple more service hours.  If you need service hours for a merit badge, a rank advancement or just want to get some dirt underneath your nails this may be our last best chance this year.  It will be the same as before where we start at 10a and end around 2p.   There is a sign up on the website if you're able to come.  I will need another adult to assist me with this.  If by Friday evening we can get at least 6 people signed up we are good to go.  

S.M.S for 12 - 20

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 20 2020 - 9:25pm

Good evening everyone

I am happy to start tonight's letter off with some good news.  Earlier this afternoon Jack Drake became troop one's latest Eagle scout.   CONGRATULATIONS JACK!!  After a lot of time, energy and effort the hard work paid off.   Only a small number of scouts ever get the chance to make it this far.  
Possible service projects this year and next
Well it happened again, the weather man lied to me. I was originally going to call for a service project this past Saturday over at Camp Kane.  The weather report told me it was going to be snowing and rainy most of the day.  It turned out to be fairly pleasant.   Next weekend depending if anyone is home for the holidays (we probably will be)  it's supposed to be a fantastic weekend to get out and do stuff.  I will be trying to put together a Saturday morning and early afternoon service project with a possible Sunday project as a follow up. This could wrap up our year with at least a couple more service hours and something else to do with the group.
Cubsicle service hours
Mrs. Griswold sent me this opportunity that I think we should try to take part in. The two dates are January 2nd and January 9th.   This would be a perfect time to assist Cub Scouts and have a great start to the New Year. Here are the details. 
we will have three - two hour sessions.   They will be as follows:
            9:00 am to 11:00 am
            11:30 am to 1:30 pm
            2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Staff would need to be at camp from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.  Lunch will be provided.
The theme for this year's Cubscicle is "Cubditarod", and the following sessions are being offered:
        Sledding (bring your own sled)
        Nature - Animal tracks
        Mason jar lanterns
        Popsicle stick sleds
        Sling Shots
I will be helping out on the 2nd.  If there are any scouts that would like to volunteer for the day or have any interest in helping out there will be a sign up on the website.
Monday meeting 12 - 21
For Monday's meeting we will be going over our annual year in review.  What went right, what went wrong, if there's anything we can improve upon and everything in between.  There was plenty this year that didn't go as planned but when everything is said and done what  type of lemonade were we able to make out of this year's lemons.  We will also be going over a few requirements still in limbo and a contest I hope to be launching this week.
Tune in with your preferred mode of communication via our zoom channel. 
Below is the link to the Zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget. 

In closing

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