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S.M.S for 12 - 13

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 13 2020 - 9:09pm

Good evening everyone 

There's not a lot to talk about in this week's opener so I'll open with a question for everyone.   
How many Lowe's could Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's?
Think about it....
Needing a new Webmaster
This coming February our Webmaster Al DeFelice will be stepping down from the Webmaster position.  I would like to ask anyone out there with any technical background if they would be willing to step up and become the new troop Webmaster.  The Webmaster keeps the TroopMaster site and our website clean and up to date.  You do NOT need to be a registered leader, just someone that is willing to help out.   
Monday meeting 12 - 14 P.L.C and C.M
Tomorrow for our Monday night Patrol Leaders Council we will be talking about our 2021 calendar, getting the dates hopefully set, and going over some upcoming activities and events.  During our Committee Meeting we will be going over the recharter, the budget and what we hope to do in the coming year to come back from our "year in limbo".  The P.L.C will begin at 6p and the C.M will begin at 7p.  Below is the link to the Zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget. 


S.M.S for 12 - 6

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 6 2020 - 11:33pm

Good evening everyone 

 I would like to thank everyone who was able to come out to Camp Kane for today's service project.  I know it was short notice but any time we can squeeze in some service hours in December we need to try.  We were able to get a lot done in a short time.  There is most definitely still enough to for every scout to get their fill of hours.  If next weekend is not crummy like they are predicting it will be, we can attempt to do a part 2 and this time I hope to be in town the full way through.
 There are a few potential events coming in the next few weeks so I will keep everyone abreast of what is going on around town.
Monday meeting 12 - 6
For Monday's meeting we will be going over ideas for the calendar year 2021. Even though with everything still being and partial lockdown and nobody knows truly what will happen within the next few months there is some good news on the horizon with a vaccine for those people who most need it.   We can only hope that by next spring we can start camping again.
This will be a regular meeting 7:00 p.m. on our zoom channel.  Listed below is the link and I will send it out again at 6p tomorrow evening.
Stevan Wolfgram is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: End of year planning for 2021
Time: Dec 7, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 9551 4709
Passcode: TroopOne
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,84695514709#,,,,,,0#,,53611078# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,84695514709#,,,,,,0#,,53611078# US (New York)

Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 846 9551 4709
Passcode: 53611078
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcAagV0SmC


Weekend service project update

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 4 2020 - 6:40pm

Good evening everyone 

This past week have been visiting my grandmother, spending some time with her for her 91st birthday.  

December Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 3 2020 - 11:19pm

December Troop Scoop

Service Project

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 2 2020 - 7:52pm
Good evening everyone 

As everyone is probably aware this weekend was meant to be our Chicago urban day hike.   We were meant to have the ability to go downtown, Travel around and have a good time.  With most of Chicago still locked down and nothing available the plans changed a bit.  I will be hosting a service project this weekend over at Camp Kane.  If we cannot take a hike downtown then we might as well try to fit in a service project before Winter arrives.  Behind the law office at the park there is a path that winds around in the woods and empties out somewhere on the property. There are a lot of brush and tree waste that we can clean up.  

S,M.S for 11 - 29 The great re-post edition

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 29 2020 - 9:15pm
Good evening everyone
Most of everything tonight is going to be a re-post from Friday's letter just in case you have not seen it yet.  All the info applies to this sms so I thought why change an already perfect thing.
A zoom link is at the bottom for Monday night and I will send out another at 5P tomorrow.  Just in case.
Regarding wreath payments
If you have collected your wreath payment and have it ready to be turned in please give Dave Kolodziej a call.  Please make sure to 1) make a copy of your order form and 2) account for all of the checks or money you have collected.   If any of your customers would like to pay with a check make sure the check is made out to Boy Scout Troop One with wreaths in the memo section. (It is also helpful to note on the order sheet for your records who paid either check or cash). 
Monday meeting, 11 - 30, Cooking and Packing 411 - Zoom
This Monday we will be working on some cooking requirements.  It will be another special meeting starting at 6p ending around 8p. For this skill the boys must cook a hot breakfast or lunch . It can be any breakfast or any lunch but does require cooking.  (Sorry no microwaves)
 We will also be talking about safe food handling and preparation.  On top of that we will be going over many of the requirements that we have not been able to hit on this season.  Monday will be a jam packed night for everyone.
Service project opportunity

On Saturday December 5th and Sunday December 6th we will be trying to hold a end of year service project instead of our regular urban hike.  As of now the idea is to do a trail cleaning over at Camp Kane (Langram park) in Saint Charles.   For both days the start time will be around 10a and go until about 2p.  If more work can be done and a great enough energy is had we will be able to work until night. This is all of course based on the weather.  We can easily earn a lot of service hours in this one location.   I hope we can make this happen.  Details are on the calendar.

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