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Troop Positions of Responsibility Description

Posted by leader on Aug 1 2016 - 12:18pm

Find attached a Word file of the expectations for each Position of Responsibility in the Troop. These are in draft form and may be modified upon final approval from the Committee.  If you have any comments or questions on them please email Mark Rafferty at eyedr2020@gmail.com


Posted by leader on Jul 31 2016 - 8:48am
Earlier this year Troop 1 began a totem and beads program.  Each Scout should now have a totem and the beads he has earned through his time in Troop 1.

REVISED: Cyber Chip is a Requirement for All Ranks

Posted by leader on Apr 4 2016 - 9:41pm

A new requirement was added this year for all scouts that start a new rank in 2016.  If a scout earned his 1st Class in 2015 he will not need the Cyber chip for his STAR rank in 2016 but he will for his Life and Eagle rank. The same goes for all other ranks.   

Files for New Scouts & Troop Guides

Posted by admin on Mar 19 2015 - 7:19pm

Two new files were added to the Files section of our website.

Files\Troop Scouts\

One file is a guide-book for our Troop guides.  The other file is a New Scout lesson plan for March through July.

New 2015 Scout & Parent Handbooks

Posted by admin on Feb 28 2015 - 5:07pm

The New 2015 Scout & Parent Handbooks are available under the Files Section of our website.

Files\Troop Scouts and Files\Troop Adults

New Eagle Scout Documents

Posted by admin on Feb 8 2015 - 9:05pm

Eagle Scouts looking to request letters from the President, Senators, Representatives, Governor and other dignitaries can make use of the form letters located in the files section of our web site.  

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