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This year NYLT Class

Posted by admin on Jul 31 2017 - 9:14am

Troop 1's newest OA members

Posted by admin on Jul 22 2017 - 1:39pm

The following Troop 1 members were called out for OA at Camp Freeland Leslie.

Scouts: Carson D., Quintin H., Trey H., Luke B., and Noah B.

Adults: Mr. DeFelice and Mr. Kolodziej

Second Philmont Payment Due

Posted by admin on Jul 9 2017 - 10:57am

We will need your payments of $420 for those going on the 2018 Philmont trip by September 18th.  If you are going and have not already paid your $100 deposit, please add that in with your payment. 

Troop 1 Leaders Training List

Posted by leader on Jun 27 2017 - 9:17pm

Adult Leader training attached as of 6/27/17

Order of the Arrow Callouts

Posted by admin on May 18 2017 - 7:06am

Congratulations to our three Scouts that were called out at the Order of the Arrow induction at the District Camporee:

Troop1 Election results:

Posted by leader on May 3 2017 - 1:59pm

Thank you goes out to our Scout leaders that just ended their  6 month term and congratulations to the newly elected leaders of the troop. 

Especially outgoing SPL Nick S for doing an excellent job and incoming SPL Jack D who has big shoes to fill but will come through flawlessly.

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