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Weekly Announcements - 7/30/18

Posted on Jul 30 2018 - 7:15pm

The Court of Honor turn-in is next week. Turn in any blue cards you have and final Boards of Review. The Court of Honor is on August 18th at 2:00 pm.

Kyle B’s Eagle Project

Posted by mrafferty on Jul 27 2018 - 7:02am
What: Kyle B’s Eagle Project: St. Charles East Garden Restoration 

CFL Merit Badges for 2018

Posted on Jul 16 2018 - 7:53pm

Linked below is a list of requirements earned and incomplete merit badges.

Independence Day Service Opportunity

Posted on Jul 1 2018 - 5:57pm

Kevin Preas from the Batavia Fireworks Committee is looking for Scouts to help with parking before the fireworks display on July 4th at Batavia High School. This is a great opportunity for your unit to get service hours, and still be able to watch a great show put on by the Batavia Fireworks Committee. The committee would also like to include the scout unit(s) in some of their sponsorship advertising moving forward. I know many of us are looking for ways to increase membership, so this recruiting material could be a great resource to your unit. Please deny any reimbursement for our service at this event. If your unit is interested, please reach out to myself, Suzy Sitarski, or Kevin. Contact information is in the 7/1 Sunday Scoutmaster Summary.


Thank you in advance for your efforts in volunteering at this event. Questions about the specifics for that event can be directed toward Kevin.

Weekly Announcements

Posted on Jun 25 2018 - 7:26pm

High Adventure this year will be at Porcupine Mountains.

Make sure that your pre-reqs are done for Summer Camp.

Ute Park Fire

Posted on Jun 5 2018 - 8:04am

Troop 1 Highadventurers
With the Ute Park fire raging in Northeast New Mexico as we speak, Philmont has apparently cancelled our trek on July 7.  The Philmont announcement is below - this is all that we know right now.

Additionally, as a dynamic and active crew of adult leaders, discussions about ideas and options for alternative plans has just started to flow.  At this point I EXPECT (no guarantees yet) that we will get a call from Philmont that our trek is cancelled, Philmont and Amtrak issue full refunds. 

At a time yet to be planned, we will meet as a Troop and layout our options for alternate High Adventure  plans this year.  To be honest, while I am disappointed by the natural disaster in New Mexico, we have a dedicated and enthusiastic Troop, a ROCKSTAR high adventure crew and I am beyond excited about the exciting options yet to be explored in our near future.


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