
Patrol Filter

Camping Signup and Cancellation Policy

Posted by admin on Feb 27 2017 - 10:32am

Please be reminded of our camping signup  policies :

  1. One week for weekend trips.  Signups will be closed at one week out, so no last minute signups.  Once signups are closed, you will be obligated for the cost of the trip.
  2. For summer camp our policy will be determined by the camp’s cancellation polity.  For CFL deposits will be needed immediately after registering on our website and we will then register the Scout for summer camp and sign them up for their Merit Badge selection.  Final full payment will be due 30 days prior to the first day of camp or the Scouts registration will be cancelled out unless prior arrangements are made.  For late registrations, full payment will be due at the following meeting after signing up on the website.  The Scout will not be registered with CFL or for the Merit Badges until we have full payment in hand.  There will be no refund on deposits.


Commitment for Troop Events

Posted by leader on Feb 24 2017 - 3:39pm

Scouts and Parents, this is just a reminder that for some events we need to reserve spots with a down payment by a specific date to purchase food/supplies based on how many commit to going. The Troop makes the down payment or purchases food/supplies based on the number of commitments we receive.  If for some reason you are unable to attend an activity that you committed to, please consider the following:
                - we may be able to find someone to fill your spot or
                - we may be able to get a refund depending on how much notice received or
                - we may still require your payment even though you are unable to attend

BSA Clarifies Who May Drive To Scout Events.

Posted by admin on Feb 13 2017 - 12:14pm

The Boy Scouts of America’s updated transportation policy now requires all drivers to be at least 18 and have a valid driver’s license.

Scouting youth under age 18 are not insured under the BSA’s commercial general liability policy and cannot be allowed to drive to or from Scouting activities.

Philmont 2018 Expedition

Posted by leader on Jan 25 2017 - 5:10pm


Philmont Scout Ranch
It's not to late.  We can add additional Scouts and adults up to 24 total until  2/1/2018.
Your 12-Day expedition will arrive at Philmont on: 7/7/2018 and will depart Philmont on 7/19/2018

We have been awarded 2 crew slots for Philmont for the above dates.  Each crew is allowed up to 12 Scouts and adults.  This will be on a first to sign up basis.  

Annual Troop Dues

Posted by leader on Dec 2 2016 - 8:39pm

It's that time of year again when the Troops annual dues need to be paid. This year the cost for each Scout is $80.00. Of that $25.00 goes to BSA National office to cover our insurance and the cost of delivering the Scouting Program.  $1.00 goes to Three Fires for Accident Insurance. $12 goes to Boys Life Magazine.  $37.00 goes to the Troop to cover the cost of patches, replacement gear, Court of Honor food, etc.  $5.00 is going to be used to upgrade our patrol kits with new equipment and plates, tableware and cups for each scout so you won't be buying replacement pieces for ones that always come up missing when they get home.  

Troop Elections

Posted by leader on Oct 30 2016 - 7:28pm

We will be having our Troop Elections on November 7th. If you are running for SPL, please be prepare to address the Troop.  Also, note that we now have expectations for each Troop Leadership position.  Each leader will meet with an assigned ASM once a month with the sign off sheet that will be reviewed when you go for you rank BoR.  These sheets are currently located in the announcements from a couple of months back. I will transfer them to Scout Files when I get a chance.  Patrol Leaders will be expected to come up with meeting plans for each meeting.  We would like to make our meetings more planned and encourage better attendance.  

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