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To our second year scouts

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 16 2020 - 6:11pm
To our second  year scouts:
Because you have a few more camp-outs and outings under your belt you have the ability to continue down the road with fewer obstacles. Listed below is what we were going to be practicing on at tonight's meeting and next Monday's meeting. Please remember when you're reading the scout book it will always say demonstrate, discuss, or show examples of.   Discuss and showing examples of something are easy enough but for demonstrating it may be a little more difficult. If you send video or photos of you tying knots for instance we can check off on it and as long as you can show examples of practical use we can "sign off" on requirements.  
More to come latter on.

2f. Demonstrate tying the sheet bend knot. Describe a situation in which you would use this knot.

The first of many letters

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 16 2020 - 12:10pm
This will be the first of many letters and notices I'm going to be sending out over the next 48 hours. 
The first letter is a request from St. Marks Church.
The Bible study group that meets at the same time that we do has a request from us. If any of the people at the P.L.C. (the 6pm to 7pm meeting) on Monday was sick or gets sick in the next week or so please let me know.  A few of there members are in the high risk area and needs to know ASAP if anyone falls ill.  At this time there main concern is the Virus but it is still cold and flu season.  I don't think anyone at the meeting has anything to worry about.   We are trying to be double sure and careful.


S.M.S. for 3 - 15

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 15 2020 - 10:21pm
Good evening everyone 
This letter is going to be a long one so stick with me to the very end because there is a lot to talk about.  

Meetings udate

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 15 2020 - 1:36pm

Good afternoon everyone

Using all the available information that I have gathered over the past 24 hours troop one will be suspending physical meetings and moving to a digital platform. As I dust the cobwebs off of plan C in our catalog of ideas please stay tuned for tonight's scoutmaster summary for all the details. It's going to be a lot so keep a heads up.

S.M.S. for 3 - 8

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 9 2020 - 12:47pm
Good evening everyone 

This weekend was our new scout cabin camp out. I would like to thank everyone that helped make it possible, scouts and parents alike. A big thank you to Rick, Ryan, Jayne, David, Todd and Scott for helping and spending time out with us this weekend.  A very special thank you to Mike who acquired all the food for the kids and Ryan the food for the adult leaders.  If you weren't there and didn't get a chance to sample any of the tasty meals that came out of the kitchen that day it was your loss.

March 2020 Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 1 2020 - 9:01pm

March 2020

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