
s.m.s for 6 - 27

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 27 2021 - 8:49pm

Good evening everyone 

S.M.S for 6-12-22

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 12 2022 - 10:41pm
Good evening everyone
With Memorial Day and the Kentucky trip in the past we now look onward to our next big event and the rest of the summer.
Summer camp is right around the corner and you would be remiss if you were not coming along. 
Please remember if you are going to summer camp you must have the medical form part A.B.C.  Just click on the summer camp link on the home page and it will take you to the forms.
Monday P.L.C 6 - 11 - 22, 6 - 7p
Baker Church, Cedar Street entrance
We will be holding a Patrol Leader Council this Monday at Baker Church.  Every scout is invited.
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* patrol updates
* Wants / needs
May committee meeting, 6 - 11, 7p
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.
Everyone needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser
Our fundraiser is now complete.  Thank you to all that participated.  If you have any outstanding orders or anyone left on the hook we can take care of them.  
Upcoming events on the radar: 
Fathers Day Ottawa district fishing derby
Pratt's Wayne Woods (Pickerel Lake)
All Socuts are welcomed to the Ottawa Distirct Fishing Derby. We will have hands on fishing Instruction, free bait and grand prizes for various fishing categories. We will also have Fishing Merit Badge Counselors on hand to teach and a cooking station set up where Scouts cna learn how to prep and cook a fish. All fish caught must be released so we will be using bought fish for the preping and cooking.

Our Fishing Derby is on Illinois' DNR Free Fishing weekend. So no fishing licence is required.

S.M.S for 6-19-22

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 19 2022 - 11:05pm
Good evening everyone
We have a lot to do before this season's summer camp and time will go very quickly over the next few weeks.  We have three meetings before camp.  This coming Monday, Monday the 26th and a special meaning on July 6th. which is only 4 days before we leave.  The evening of the 6th will be a meeting because this year July 4th falls on a Monday.  The meeting on the 6th will be a trailer cleaning and packing meeting.  You will also need all of your forms and paperwork by that evening. 
Monday Meeting

S.M.S for 6-26-22

Posted by swolfgram on Jun 26 2022 - 9:15pm

Good evening everyone

It was a wonderful day for an Eagle Court of Honor.  Thank you to everyone that was able to make Noah and Luke's day special.
Monday Meeting
Summer Camp prep part two
6-27,  Good Templar Park (Park side), 7p
This week we will be working on the Firem'n-chit and Totin-chip certifications.  Some classes at summer camp require you to have these certifications and we want to make sure that all the information is up-to-date and good to go.   We will also be collecting any paperwork paperwork that you have for us.  Medical forms and permission slips will be collected if you have them.  Please bring two (2) copies of each to turn in.
Everyone needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser
Our fundraiser is now complete.  Thank you to all that participated.  If you have any outstanding orders or anyone left on the hook we can take care of them.  
Upcoming events on the radar: 
2022 Summer camp
Last chance to get a spot for this years camp
Since Camp Freeland Leslie has closed down we will be trying out this new camp.  It is just 30 minutes north from where C.F.L used to be.  There are a few big differences between our old camp and this new one. 
#1. The class structure is a more open concept.  The scouts don't pre-register for badges, they sign up for them Sunday evening when we get there. 
#2. The camp will be cooking some meals for us.  Lunch will be served for us in the dining hall or at our campsite.
#3. The showers and the toilets are separate.  There are also leaders and youth facilities so the kids have there's and we have ours. 
By signing up on the website you are agreeing that you will be attending.  The troop has made a deposit and locked us in.  You can talk to Dave about making the payment or setting up a payment plan.  Please don't let money be an issue this season. The troop is here for you if you need help with these bigger ticket items.  Please let Stevan know if the troop can help you out, that is what the troop is here for.
Fox river canoe day trip
Aug, 20th
Because the school year would have just started and we would have just come off of summer camp we will be taking a relaxing trip up-and-down the Fox River. We have a few canoes we can use for a trip down to Batavia and back with a few stops along the way. 
Recruiting new members
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout crossover or someone transferring from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
News around town
Sculpture in the park
A magnificent exhibition of original sculptures placed in beautiful Mt. St. Mary Park for visitors to view and enjoy. This display of public art is free to all. Presented by the St. Charles Park District and Park Foundation. More information: www.stcsculpture.org
In closing

Remember to take a look at our website. (https://stcharles1.mytroop.us/front_page) Follow us on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/154508964589786) and the public page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/httpsstcharles1.mytroop.us) look us up on Twitter @BSATroopOne. Check there every now and then for updates.  As always if you have any questions let us know. 

S.M.S for 7 - 25

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 25 2021 - 10:21pm
Good evening everyone
As most of you already know over the past few months Mr. Griswold has been telling us that he will be moving to Germany for a few years.  This past weekend he arrived safely in Dusseldorf for the next chapter in his employment with Aldi and will be there for the foreseeable future.  From time to time he will be back home for a visit.  You can still catch him periodically on our Facebook and Discord pages.  Don't be afraid to drop him a line of encouragement every now and then.  He may not be able to get back to you immediately but will always find time if you have a question for him.  
Good luck Ryan and always remember 
Now on to a more upbeat intro
I hope that everyone is refreshed and recovered from our summer camp trip and is ready to get back to work.  Over the next few weeks we will have a lot of activities to participate in and fun things to do.  We have merit badges to finish up, a court of honor to hold and many plans to make.  Your first opportunity to finish something up comes as soon as Monday night.
Monday meeting 7 - 27
Good Templar Park 7p
For anyone still working on the aviation merit badge you will be able to finish that up at Monday's meeting. As of right now unless plans change I have a pilot coming in and he will be able to finish off the badge with you people.   We will also be discussing what we will be doing in August and how we will start off our recruitment season at the beginning of the month.  This coming fall is a major time for our troop. If you know anyone that could benefit from participating with our troop please don't hesitate to invite them.
August event and court of honor
Seeing as we have just come off of our biggest event of the year we need to fill in some of the gaps for August.  We will need to fit in a date for an event or camp out and a summer court of honor which is usually held the last two weeks of the month.   Originally we were going to go out to Galena and participate in Grants' Pilgrimage.  If there are enough people who would like to go and want to do a camp-out, we can still make arrangements for camping or we can just turn it into a day outing.  We can do something completely different if taking it easy for August is what everybody wants.   I also have a few other ideas in the works which if they come to pass, may be beneficial and could rack up another badge or two.
Summer camp 2022

We are starting the search for our troops' next summer camp.  With so many summer camps being sold off, we will need to locate a new camp venue that we can go to next year ASAP.  If you have any information, any ideas or places you have heard of from others please let us know so we can start the search.

S.M.S for 7 - 26 The post camp edition

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 26 2020 - 9:51pm

Good evening everyone 

I want to thank everyone that was able to help out and participate this past week.  We had a much better showing than I was originally expecting.  We even had a former scout come to visit for an afternoon. Good to see you Kyle!  In total, the boys worked on over 50 merit badges and were able to complete over 40 during the week.  I am still in the process of tallying up the badge count so accurate numbers aren't in yet.  Some of these badges which had been started last fall, were able to be completed  during this past week's camp.  The rest of the badges have only 1 or 2 other requirements not completed. Because we are so close to home completing them with one of our counselors should be a very easy task.  Some of the badges that the boys chose were more complicated and required a little more time, effort or a project to finish.   

S.M.S for 7 - 4

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 4 2021 - 10:32pm

Good evening everyone 

This week we have a boat load of info to go over.  Summer Camp is coming up fast and I want to make sure everyone is starting to get ready. 
Monday meeting 7 - 5
Good Templar Park 6p
For this Monday meeting we will be having a two hour meeting.  If you are going to be coming to summer camp you MUST be at this meeting.  We will be going through the trailer and making sure we have everything that we need for the trip.  If you have any equipment that you would like to bring at that time please bring it to the meeting and we can put it in the trailer.  At the same time that the trailer is being cleaned and prepared we will be collecting the paperwork.
Any Non-Perishable food items you want to bring should be CLEARLY marked with your name on the package / container.  Please make sure it is in a sealed container or ziplock type bag for freshness and critter control. You can bring it to the meeting for storage in the trailer or bring it along in your vehicle.  Remember... It must be stored in the trailer after we get to camp.
No food items are allowed in your tent.
If you bring any electronic devices, YOU are responsible for their safekeeping.  This includes cell phones.
On Sunday when we meet up at the clerk's office we will put the rest of the personal gear in the trailer before we go.
We need three pieces of paperwork for the camp.
1. The BSA med form ABC
2. The BSA Permission slip
3. The TFC C-19 pre-camp paper. (this needs to be done the day we go)
I will attach each at the bottom of this letter.
Troop One Class B's for 2021
This past week Mrs. Polly collected our 2021 class B's and they look very nice.  We will be tie-dyeing them after the trailer cleaning.  If you ordered one and DON'T want it dyed please let us know and we can keep yours white (not dyed).
Updated camp info
We have a 3:00p camp check in time on Sunday the 11th.
We will need to depart from the clerk's office about 11:00a to be able to stop for lunch and arrive with time to spare.

Health Assessments & Camp Cleaning

S.M.S for 7-16-23

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 16 2023 - 10:59pm
Good evening, everyone. 
Look news! News? Yes news! Where? Here! When? Now!
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
Monday meeting
July 17th    
Merit badge update and campout review  
Good Templar park
7p - 8:15p
I will have the full merit badge breakdown on Monday printed out for anyone attending the meeting. This will let you know what you still need and what you have done per badge. Our summer court of honor is August 28th, and we need to make sure you all have the time and space needed to finish up the badges and requirements in limbo. 
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Commemorative Air Force
July 19th - 23rd 9 - 5
Look who's coming to town it's the commemorative air force. We are putting a small group together to go have some fun one afternoon and would like you to join in. Details at Monday's meeting. 

It began with a single plane. Lloyd Nolen and a small group of ex-service pilots from the Rio Grande Valley in Texas pooled their money to purchase a P-51 Mustang in 1957. They formed a loosely defined organization to share the pleasure and expense of maintaining the Mustang. A short while later, the group added a pair of F8F Bearcats to the P-51 Mustang. At this point, the mission of the CAF became clear: save an example of every aircraft that flew during World War II ~ a mission no one else was undertaking. What started as a hobby became an urgent objective to preserve history.

S.M.S for 7-23-23

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 23 2023 - 9:36pm
Good evening everyone!
First off, yes, I know the W.N.N. is late. I and a group from the troop were helping out at an American legion leadership ceremony at the vet's center and didn't get back till late. Now that you know the other side of the story here is all the news that's fit (or not) to print. 
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
Monday meeting
July 24th    
Fish'in down by the river  
Mt.St.Mary park.
7p - 8:15p
The weather is going to be nice out tomorrow evening so why not go fishing in the fox. We will be meeting at Mt.St.Mary park in town and go fishing for the meeting. Something different I know but in the end something fun and relaxing in the waning days of July. 
We will be meeting by the tennis courts on the north side of the park. 
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Fishing on a Monday
Depending on the weather we will be doing a fishing night on the river. 
Scout hike and evening trip 
Because of the nice weather we will be doing an evening hike on the 31st. This is biased on  course the weather. Mixing it up a bit this summer is something fresh and needed. 
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 7-24-22

Posted by swolfgram on Jul 24 2022 - 9:43pm

Good evening everyone 

I hope everyone has recovered from our trip to summer camp and is ready to begin the 2nd half of our summer season with some good stories to tell and new found energy.  Before I get too far into the letter I wanted to thank Andie, Dennis, Jake and Joe for coming up with us to spend time with the boys and being able to relax and unwind a bit.  
Because we have a very busy latter half of the year coming up I am asking all families to send us a list of your son's unavailable dates.  That's right we want to know when you CAN'T do something with the troop.  That way we can better see when you can come with us to do something.
Monday Meeting
Post Summer Camp Review 
7-25,  Good Templar Park (Park side), 7p
This will be our 1st meeting coming off the summer camp.  We will be doing a review of summer camp and everything that went along with it.  Would you return to  Ed Bryant next year?   Should we try a new location?  After that we will be working on finishing up some merit  badges and seeing what there is left to finish up before our summer court of honor.
Everyone needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events 
Fox River canoe day trip
Aug, 20th 10a - 4p
Because the school year would have just started and we would have just come off of summer camp we will be taking a relaxing trip up-and-down the Fox River. We have a few canoes we can use for a trip down to Batavia and back with a few stops along the way.  We will be working on some swimming and boating exercises, safety afloat exercises and even the canoeing merit badge if anyone is interested.
Race into scouting
Aug, 27th 10a - 4p Leroy Oakes Forrest preserve 
This event is for Scouts of all ages.  For Cub Scouts we will hold our Annual Cub Mobile Races form 10AM-4PM. There are three, 2 hour slots that dens, packs or individual Scouts can register for. Use the plans to make a Cub Mobile. There will be a couple of Cub Mobiles on hand for use by anyone.  There will be other games and scavenger hunts for Scouts and kids of all ages to do before or after their racing.
This would also be an excellent opportunity to talk to some cub scouts.
Troop One Summer Court of Honor 
Aug 29th, 6p - 8p
Good Templar Park ( if sun)
Baker Church (if rain)
Join troop one as we honor our scouts and acknowledge their accomplishments over the past few months.  The troop will be serving dinner and will provide all in attendance with the main course and drinks.  If each family attending could please bring a side and a dessert that can feed 10 people each.  
Order of the Arrow Call-out
Sep 9th - 11th 
Camp Big Timber 
For the scouts who were elected earlier this Spring you now have your chance to earn your order of the arrow ordeal membership. By camping under the stars, eating little food and performing service for the day you have the ability to join many of your fellow scouts in the order of the arrow.
Maquoketa Caves Campout 
Sep 23rd - 25th
Come venture into the dark and go spelunking with troop one at Maquoketa Caves State Park. We will be staying at Bellevue State Park, 24668 US-52, Bellevue, IA 52031.  This will be an open invitation camp-out. If you know anyone that is interested in scouting ask them to come along.
And so very much more to come down the line.
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout crossover or someone transferring from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
News Around Town -
Sculpture in the Park
A magnificent exhibition of original sculptures placed in beautiful Mt. St. Mary Park for visitors to view and enjoy. This display of public art is free to all. Presented by the St. Charles Park District and Park Foundation. More information: www.stcsculpture.org

In closing