
S.M.S for 3-26-23

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 26 2023 - 10:45pm
Good evening everyone
In tonight's issue we have a few updates and reminders. 
Spring break no meeting
Spring break no meeting
Spring fundraisers
Mulch (update)
Patrick at Midwest compost said that they would be happy to do another fundraiser with us this Spring. They have set up a portal for us on their website. All we would have to do is log on and do a little paperwork rather than going through any middlemen from the company. Just like last time you (the scout) just fill out the form, submit it and 48 hours later the client should have their product.  We will have updated pricing and time lines by the time we get back from spring break.
Pancake breakfast with the Legion (update)
The breakfast will be moved to the 22nd of April.  This gives some more time to put the breakfast together and sell tickets.
Memorial Day breakfast
The Legion also wanted to do a fundraiser for the Memorial day pancake breakfast. The way they are setting this one up would be any group that helped with the breakfast would get a cut of the total ticket sales. %20 of the profit will go to the legion and their scholarship fund.  The rest will be split among any of the organizations helping out at the  breakfast.  Because we usually help out at the Memorial Day breakfast this one in particular is a no brainer. Next week we should have a bit more information.
No Troop Meeting

Spring break week

S.M.S for 3-5-23

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 5 2023 - 11:03pm
Good evening everyone
Thank you to everyone that came up to the cabin this year.  Even with the bizarre weather reports we were getting we found an opening and made it a good weekend.  A little snow never hurt anyone and thankfully the amount predicted for us never materialized.  We have always been able to have a good time while we are there and this past weekend was no exception.
Mar P.L.C meeting
3 - 5 - 23, 6 - 7p
Baker Church
We will be holding a Patrol Leader Council this Monday at Baker Church.  If you are a patrol leader or of senior staff please attend.  Every scout is invited to caucus with their patrol. 
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Past / Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* patrol updates
* Summer camping events
Mar committee meeting
3 - 5 - 23, 7 - 8:30p
Baker Church
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a Committee member or are a parent interested in troop business please attend. We are searching for new  members that can help staff a few areas of need for the troop.  The four areas that we are looking to staff are Fundraising, Activities, Service and Recruitment.  All four areas are vital to the troop.  Meetings of these four departments need not always meet on a Monday night and can bounce ideas via mail or phone. 
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.   
The 2023 St.Charles Saint Patrick's day parade.
Mar 11th, 2:00p
Thousands of people line Main Street to listen to award winning local marching bands, watch the elaborate and colorful floats, hear the melodic strains of the Celtic pipe bands, and everything St. Charles has to offer. The parade steps off at 2:00pm at 6th Street and continues down Main Street to conclude at 4th Avenue.
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
News Around Town
With spring fast approaching there will be a ton of places that need and want help around town.  We will post it here when we come across any news. 

In closing

S.M.S for 4 - 12

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 12 2021 - 12:25am

Good evening everyone 

It's that time of the month again, we're calling all to gather, around the table to listen to stories, finding out what really matters. Searching for when and who is able and thinking up new things to do, new ideas to entertain, we may need but a few.  Questioning about this and that, or what you may be likely to see, It takes just a little effort, a little from you and a little from me. 
 We can answer all your questions, we can place them in a line, we can knock them out of the ballpark, any place any time.  There's so much to talk about this week I can't fit it all in one letter, so come to our meeting this Monday night that will finally make it all better.
That being said let's get to it
Monday meeting 4 - 11 P.L.C & C.M
This month's Patrol Leader Council and Committee Meeting will be held at Saint Marks Church.  The P.L.C will begin at 6p and the C.M will start directly following it at 7p.
For those of you who can't attend in person we will have the live stream running on our zoom channel. The P.L.C video will begin at 6 o'clock or shortly thereafter.  The C.M video will begin at 7 o'clock or shortly thereafter.   Both meetings will be streamed on the same link.  The link will be attached to the bottom of this letter and I will send out a reminder an hour before the meeting tomorrow.
Topics for each meeting may include but are not limited to
Lincoln's pilgrimage 
Camp Kane
Memorial day 
Summer camp, where, how, who
New fundraising possibilities 
New meeting events and locations
camping, when, where, how.
And O so much more
Future forecast:

S.M.S for 4 - 12 New program schedule announcement

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 12 2020 - 9:36pm

Good evening everyone

I hope that everyone is having a safe and happy Easter and Passover week.  This announcement is to let everyone know that starting this Monday we will be holding an online meeting at 7pm.  If you've been keeping up-to-date with the emails and notices, we now have a Discord Voice Channel.  The boys have been working hard to make it operational. Last week during our proof of concept meeting we had 12 people on with only a few snags.  If you have not already done so please join in. 

S.M.S for 4 - 18

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 18 2021 - 9:36pm
Good evening everyone 
Now for the weekly news that you need to know.  
Some of it you probably didn't need to know, but it's always a good thing to know what you do and do not need.    If you know what I know and I know that you know that what I know is going to be something useful, then knowing what I know beyond a need to know basis, is accomplished.  
 So let's make sure you know this stuff.
Lincoln's pilgrimage 4 - 23-25
This week we will be going over our plans for next weekend's camp-out.  I hope to have almost all the details finished off by the end of the meeting Monday night.  Locations agreed on, menus planned and departing times set. The coming weekend as of now looks a little rainy but we are still a week out from what may or may not happen weather wise.  Whatever the weather and whatever the situation we will make the best of it and make our own fun when applicable.
 This week's meeting will be at Saint Marks Church starting at 7 o'clock.
 If you cannot be there in person but are still going to go on next weekend's camp out I can send you a zoom link and patch you in for the planning portion of the meeting.
Summer Camp Update - (Re-post from this week's Midweek update)
A change of date
The question was brought up whether we have the ability to change the date on which week we attend summer camp.  I talked to Patrick at T.F.C hq and he said that there is a site available the week of June 27th - July 3rd and another one the week of July 11th - 17th.  We would not be in the Shiloh camp site but that would not be a big deal. 
Summer Camp Coordinator
I need someone from the troop to step up and run point on summer camp prep. This point person would have to.   
• Schedule the scouts merit badge classes.  
• Collect the youth and adult medical forms. 
• Coordinate travel plans to and from camp.  
This coordinator does not have to attend summer camp with us but it is a plus if they attend as well.  This position MUST be filled no later than May 1st.  This will give that person the ability to have everything taken care of in a reasonable amount of time.
Troop leadership 
In order for the troop to be able to go to summer camp (C.F.L or other) we need at least four adult leaders present during the week.  The BSA requires us to have at least two registered leaders at any regular camp-out or day outing.  Because summer camp is classified as an extended trip (something lasting greater than 72 hours)  We would need to have three or four registered leaders present to be on the safe side.   Historically speaking we always have between three and four registered leaders present at any summer camp.  A registered leader is either an assistant scoutmaster or committee member who has completed the youth protection training (YPT), background check and has submitted the position specific paperwork.  Just being a parent volunteer in this situation does not qualify as an adult leader.  

S.M.S for 4 - 25 the post camp-out (really) late night edition

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 26 2021 - 1:06am

Good evening everyone 

I would like to thank everyone that was able to come down to Springfield and participate in our version of Lincoln's Pilgrimage.  Even with a lot of the common tourist locations closed in Springfield we were able to come up with a fun and interesting hike downtown. 
The most popular of all locations Saturday was of course the Lincoln presidential museum.  Even if you have been to the museum multiple times like I have you always find something new to read or a new video to watch. 
Our next objective was going downtown for a micro urban hike.  For the first time in my life I finally got to see the state capitol building up close.  Although we did not have the ability to go inside we did get to go around the grounds and get a better sense of its size and scale.  Our afternoon hike culminated in a visit to a candy store and to pay our respects to the 16th president at his monument.  
After everything that we were able to do this weekend I believe it truly goes to show that even in the strangest of times you can make something out of nothing.  All you have to do is have a little imagination and the guts to do it.
Monday Meeting 4 - 26
We will NOT be having the in person meeting this week.   I want you to be able to relax and kick back a little bit. We Will however be having a light online meeting Monday evening.  We will be going over the reviews from the camp-out and seeing what we did correctly and what could be improved upon.  We will also be going over the possible camp-outs and day outings this coming summer and into the fall. 
We have a plethora of possibilities coming up.  Let's keep the ideas going and have a little fun in the meantime.

Tune in with your preferred mode of communication via our zoom channel.  Below is the link to the Zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget

S.M.S for 4 - 4

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 4 2021 - 9:08pm

Good evening everyone 

 I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Spring break, passover and Easter.  As the Spring starts to open up our possibility pool again we will be trying to do more outside as the daylight permits.  There is a good chance that if the weather cooperates we will be able to meet up at Good Templar Park starting in May with the church as a bad weather backup.
Monday meeting 4 - 5
For our Monday meeting we have a representative from the Order of the Arrow coming to our troop to discuss what Order of the Arrow is and potentially electing a few scouts from our troop to join the organization. For many of you, you will probably ask what the Order of the Arrow actually is. This is a summary as to who and what they are.
For this election to work I need all available troop one members to be at the meeting.   We have a few members of the troop eligible for election and I think it would be very good of us all if we were able to give them the chance to be Order members.  After elections we will be holding a personalized swearing-in ceremony for a new member of our troop.  Let's officially welcome Seth by giving him the appropriate attire of troop one.
We will have a live in person meeting at St. Marks Church 7p.
Future event forecast 

 On April 17th the Ottawa district will be holding a Spring-er-all day outing at Camp Big Timber. The troop has two options that we need to make a decision on as of our meeting tomorrow Monday.  We have been asked to run the pancake toss booth.  Troop 14 has also invited us to participate in the event itself.  So, we need to make the decision whether we are just going to run the pancake toss or, run the pancake toss and participate in this event

S.M.S for 4-21-24

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 21 2024 - 9:55pm
Good Evening Everyone!
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and a wonderful time at the pool this past afternoon. Our boys helped out a gaggle of cub scouts before jumping back in the pool and taking the bsa swimmer test for themselves. It definitely isn't easy to help with a full list of requirements and then go back in for more but they managed to do it. Good job guys! 
Here's what we got coming up this week in scout's 
This Monday Night:
Veterans Hall
311 n 2nd street
Apr 22nd, 7p - 8:15p
This Monday we will be going over the camp-out and what we will need. Grant's pilgrimage has always been one of the top three camp-outs of the year and I hope this year is no exception. If you are not going to be attending please still come to the meeting as we will be working on some book work for you. 
April camp-out
Grants Pilgrimage
Galena IL. Apr 26th - 28th                                                                                                                                                                                            We are going back to Grant's and Galena!  We will meet at the Vet's Center at 5:30 pm on Friday.  We will be returning back to the center's parking lot on Sunday by 1pm-ish.  Bring your hiking boots and be prepared to do some walking around the historic town of Galena.  Plan for rain so pack accordingly.  Complete the scavenger hunt, see some historic buildings, and maybe a little shopping.  Cracker barrel on Friday night, Breakfast in camp Saturday morning, Lunch in town/parking area Saturday afternoon, Dinner back at camp Saturday night and light Breakfast Sunday morning. The boy's will determine whether we will be doing the pre-planned events or follow our own course for the weekend. 

The cost for the trip is $45.00 (ish)

S.M.S for 4-24-22

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 24 2022 - 10:43pm

Good evening everyone 

Success !
It is with great pleasure that I can report our Grants Pilgrimage camp-out 2022 was a complete success.  The kids all seemed to have had a good time,  everyone got something done in their books and most importantly my tire didn't self-destruct on the highway.  (that happened last year on the way back from Springfield)  We had a bit of rain this weekend at the pilgrimage in the evening.  It would definitely not have been a pilgrimage without some rain.  Thank you adults for making this weekend possible and thank you scouts for making it fun. 
Monday meeting  Spring COH
Apr 25th, 6:30 - 8:15p, St.Mark's Church
The time of the ceremony changed a little bit.  It is now from 6:30 - 8:15
Join us for our spring court of honor at St.Mark's Church.  Please RSVP on the website so we can know you are going to attend.
April is our ice cream social month so come and have a sweet treat with the troop.  Please bring a sweet or a treat to pass around.

Everyone needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.          The class material can be found at
Active Fundraising Opportunity:
2022 Spring Mulch fundraiser.
We have a fantastic opportunity for the boys to make some money for the troop and themselves this season.  We will be selling bulk mulch supplied by Midwest Compost.  This fundraiser will be taking place from now to June 1st.  You can find the sale files and more on our website.  Just log on and go to the files folder,  fundraising, mulch fundraiser and all files are there.  This is an excellent way for the boys to chip away at the cost of spring / summer events and contribute to paying their own way.  
Upcoming events on the radar:
Upcoming service opportunity
Camp Kane, T.B.D info coming soon
Camp Kane has 2 trailers that they need to have emptied and the contents moved.  One trailer is full of the woodwork and interior from the old Farnsworth mansion.  The camp will one day be able to use it to rebuild the mansion and turn it into a museum. The second trailer is full of items that we will be selling or fixing up.  Maybe even doing an "upcycling project"? They have asked for any help they can get from any group around.  This will probably be a two day project as there is a lot to move around.  This DOES count as service hours.  
Green Bay and Lambeau Field tour
May 13th - 15th 2022 camp-out
Join troop one as we venture behind the "Cheddar Curtain" to the home of the Green Bay Packers.  For the first time in as many years as I can remember Troop One will be going north to Green Bay for our May camp-out.  Venture into the depths of the Packers home field.  Explore the press box, the locker rooms, the owners box and the field itself.  This is the 3 hour tour that any fan of the sport would love to take part in.  Don't miss your chance to take part in this first of its kind trip for the troop.  More info to come as the date gets a little closer.
Camp Kane day in the park
May 21st, 9a - 4p
The Camp Kane foundation has once again asked us to do the flag ceremony at their May event.  Performing the flag ceremony will give us good practice for our Memorial Day flag raising just a week later. 
Memorial Day morning flag ceremony
Monday May 30th.

Join Troop One as we honor the men and women of the United States military that gave their lives in the line of service.

S.M.S for 5 - 2

Posted by swolfgram on May 2 2021 - 8:47pm
Good Evening Everyone

I would like to thank everyone that was able to come to our trailer wap day. Attached below is the link to our Facebook page and if you have not seen the pictures that were taken yesterday please check them out and you will be amazed at how the trailer looks now.  I will also attach the driver's side and nose pictures in case you just want the jist of it.