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S.M.S for 12 - 22 The Pre - Christmas Edition

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 22 2019 - 10:12pm
Good evening everyone
Just because we don't have a meeting this Monday doesn't mean that there isn't anything good to talk about. AND... just because this is the end of the year doesn't mean that there's no new news. Here is the news you need to know......
No Meeting Monday
We DO NOT have a meeting this Monday however we DO have some updates as far as the January 6th Monday meeting. For that meeting we will be participating in a Feed My Starving Children evening event. The boys are still off from school at that time so we thought it may be a really good way to get back in the swing of things. Pack 260 as of now will be joining us that evening. They have a potential 6 scouts that are considering continuing on into boy scouts.  If we can show them a good time and have some fun with them are chances we believe are greatly increased. 
Personal note about F.M.S.C
I will not be able to make the Feed My Serving Children event because it is my Christmas Eve. I am Serbian Eastern Orthodox and we celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. I will be up in Milwaukee from the 4th to the 11th.
2020 Outlook
This coming year if you go to our website you will be able to see the objective scheduled for that particular night.  You can click on the headline for each Monday and be able to see what your son well more than likely learn about or encounter for that specific meeting.
Our older scouts will have the ability to teach and our younger scouts will have a lesson for the night.
2020 Events
The camping and day outing schedule for 2020 is filling out nicely.  By the 1st of the year the full calendar with approximate dates will be ready for viewing. If anyone has any questions we should be able to answer them fairly quickly. 
Material from the winter C.O.H
At the winter court of honor we read some passages from the troop's 50 year anniversary program.  I have had a few requests for passages from the program and I will do you one better. I have taken pictures of the full program and will post them to our Facebook page. I will also include pages from the 40th anniversary if anyone is interested.
Winter Break
At any time during our winter break if your son would like to work on any requirements, finish up any merit badges or has any questions please don't hesitate to contact myself or any of our assistant scoutmasters. Most of our scouts are very close to a rank advancement. while everyone has some time on their hands why not work in a few rank requirements and tie up loose ends
Merit Badge University registration is open to the public. If you would like to work on merit badges over the Winter and have some time on February 15th the Three Fires Council is hosting a merit badge university at York High School in Elmhurst.  You have the ability to work on multiple merit badges and maybe even get a few during your time there during the day. Information on the event is on our website and on the Three Fires Council website. Included on our listing for the event is a hyper link that will take you to the proper web page. 
In closing

Take a look at the website for details and check there every now and then for updates. We hope to see you all Monday night January 6th.  As always if you have any questions let us know. 

S.M.S for 12-15

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 15 2019 - 8:22pm
Good evening everyone

S.M.S for 12-8

Posted by swolfgram on Dec 9 2019 - 12:08am

Good evening everyone

December Court of Honor report attached

Posted by ajdefelice on Dec 3 2019 - 1:26pm

Please review the attached report and let Mr Wolfgram or Mr Defelice know of any discrepancy's




December 2019 Troop Scoop

Posted by swolfgram on Nov 30 2019 - 8:52pm

Troop Scoop December of 2019

Wreath Pickup Saturday 11/23 at GTP

Posted by ajdefelice on Nov 23 2019 - 2:57pm


Dave and Al will be at Good Templar Park with the wreaths.  Pick up is 5:00 today.

If you need to reach Al his number is 847-257-2136.

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