
S.M.S for 1 - 19

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 19 2020 - 9:09pm
Good evening everyone
This Monday we do have a meeting and lots of things to do.  It begins the new objective based lesson plan where each week a new objective or theme is introduced to the boys.  This week will also kick off our 1st camp out of the 2020 season.  The electronic camp out is the only camp out this year where anything electronic goes and there is no pre-set program.  If you're thinking about coming to camp out, Stop thinking about it and sign up already!  The camp out is only 6 days away and I need to know who is in-or-out by Wednesday.  We are expected to have a few Arrow of light scouts from pack 154 joining us on Saturday so I will need as good a turn out as we can muster.  I will have a few new goodies and things to hand out this Monday so you're not going to want to miss the new additions.
1st years and tenderfoot / 2nd years and first class
If you will recall, for the past year our progression plan is as follows:  to have the boys get scout and tenderfoot by the end of their 1st year, 2nd class and 1st class by the end of their 2nd.  All of the scouts that came to the troop in February are still technically 1st years until the 3rd Monday of February.  With that in mind if you attend the camp out this weekend the chances of your son getting the rest of tenderfoot requirements signed off is greatly increased. It will take approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours to complete what is left of tenderfoot possibly even a little less time.  The same goes for any boy who was working toward 1st class.  Most of the rest of the requirements can be accomplished within a couple hours time.  If one of the requirements you still need is to build a tripod or camp gadget, build it and bring it with you to the camp out. 
Visitor from pack 154
I received word earlier today that we will more than likely have a visitor from pack 154. Anthony was unable to attend with the rest of pack 154 back in December and he is looking for a boy scout troop to move on to. Let's see if we can do our best to convince him to choose Troop 1 as his new scout home
Monday meeting 1 - 20
This Monday we will you be working on 2nd class number one

1A. Since joining Scouts BSA, participate in five separate troop/patrol activities, at least three of which must be held outdoors. Of the outdoor activities, at least two must include overnight camping. These activities do not include troop or patrol meetings. On camp-outs, spend the night in a tent that you pitch or other structure that you help erect, such as a lean-to, snow cave, or teepee.

S.M.S for 1 - 2

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 2 2022 - 9:09pm
Good evening everyone
Happy New Year Everyone!
After taking two weeks off we join up again for the first meeting of the new year.  My time away from ya'll was eventful and if you get a chance to ask I'll gladly share the story.  There is a lot coming up for us in the next few weeks.  Everyone needs to "be prepared" at what we got on the radar so far.   
Monday meeting 1 - 3 - 22
St.Mark's Church Gym, 7p
For our first meeting of the new year we will be going over topics like the calendar, cubsicle, cam-outs, winterall and more.  Our next 60 days are chalk full of energy and activity. 
The Revamped calendar
For the first time in almost two years our calendar is set on a yearly table.
That means you can now look out at least twelve months and see what is going on.  Some of the camp-outs and day outings are not set in stone and the location, event, or date may change.  As we are working with a twelve month calendar we can only be accurate up to about four to six months out.  We will continue to check the school calendar to make sure that we are not putting something on the same date as the school is.  Placing a cave camp-out on the same night as homecoming just does not seem to jive.  If you know of something that we don't please let us know.  We should have the calendar populated by the end of the week.  
New leadership needed
As most of you know Joyce and Dave are wanting to move on at the end of 2022.  Both of Joyce's son's have finished scouts and by the end of summer Dave's son's will have done the same.  Typically key three leadership holds a three year term in troop one.  That is one of the ways we can have a stable leadership pyramid.  We are looking for a Committee chair understudy and a Treasurer understudy.  During the course of the year you will be learning the ropes from Joyce and Dave on an almost month by month basis.  Having the ability to see what they do and be trained by them in a practical manner.  This, as stated above is a three year commitment and you would take over for either Committee chair or Treasure officially on 1-1-23.  If you are interested or would be willing to learn more please come to a meeting or talk to Joyce and Dave directly.  These positions are open to any and all that want to work with them.  The only requirement is that you MUST be a registered and a trained leader by 1-1-23 to qualify.
Joyce Paliganoff - (630) 457-8090
Dave Kolodziej - (847) 858-5097
2022 Operation Cubscicle International Games
Join us at Camp Big Timber for a fun day of winter activities both inside and out!
Who: All Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, Siblings and Friends!
Indoor/outdoor activities will include, sling shots, sledding, Snow Sport, and other exciting activities and projects!

Saturday, January 8, 2022 - 9:00am - 3:30pm             

S.M.S for 1 - 24

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 24 2021 - 8:56pm

Good evening everyone 

 I would like to thank everyone who came out to help with pack 260's scavenger hunt on Saturday.  Even though the majority of the groups there on Saturday didn't need a lot of help, those who did went to the boys from our troop.  There were a few familiar faces in the crowd.  (You just had to think for a minute and try to remember what their eyes looked like before calling out to them).  
Going into the rest of Winter and early Spring the leadership of the troop will be trying to put together at least 2 events / day outings for the boys to take part in during February and March.  As we get closer to Spring and the sunlight is with us longer I hope to go back to full in-person meetings whenever possible.  Coming in February we have been given the green light to go back over to The Station (the Wasco community center) for our meetings. We will continue a hybrid course schedule into the Spring either on-line, in person or a mixture of the two, whatever the situation dictates.
Monday meeting 1 - 25
This Monday we will be going over the entrepreneurship merit badge and a few 1st class requirements. 
Day outing 1 - 30  Snowball siege catapults.
With fingers crossed I hope to be able to host what I am calling the snowball siege.  The boys will be able to build prefabricated catapult's and play a combo game of battleship and 500.   I should have final details up on the website on Wednesday and hopefully this will all kick off around one o'clock this coming Saturday.  If for whatever reason the weather is inclement we will reschedule for the next available day.
The Zoom
Tune in with your preferred mode of communication via our zoom channel. 
Below is the link to the zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget. 

Stevan Wolfgram is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Troop Meeting
Time: Jan 25, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 4000 1353
Passcode: TroopOne
One tap mobile
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+16465588656,,88340001353#,,,,*54211211# US (New York)

Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 883 4000 1353
Passcode: 54211211
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kD77ht41Y

S.M.S for 1 - 26

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 26 2020 - 9:44pm
Good evening everyone
First, I would like to thank everybody for coming out to the electronics camp out this past weekend.  This was our 2nd annual E-camp-out and we had a very nice showing of support from the boys. Last year we were dealing with subzero temperatures, snow and ice.  This year we dealt with rain, snow and ice.  Next year's theme will yet again be, you guessed it, snow and ice.  But at least we were warm and dry so I guess that's all that matters.  A large number of the boys got requirements sign off and some are relieved that the camp gadgets portion of there rank is finally over with....or is it.
 As usual I cooked way too much food for the little stomachs that we had with us this weekend  But all in all I hope that it was up to everyone's standards.  Nobody walked away hungry and if you did it was your own fault.   This was Mr. Griswold's 1st official camp out with us and I think you all for not frightening him off or causing him to lose his mind.   Well, at least not yet.
Monday meeting 1 - 27
This Monday we have 3 big topics Winter all prep, map and compass tutorial and our February day outing.
There are three options that are presented to us this coming month:
#1 We have the opportunity to go to Cascade Mountain for a ski trip or....
#2 We could go to the Museum of Science and Industry for a free day on Monday the 17th. or....
#3 We could go to The Field Museum.  They have a free day almost every weekend during February.
Each hold its own advantages and drawbacks. At the end of the day whatever the boys choose to do I will personally I do my very best to make it happen. I know all of you will do the same.
Monday's lesson
3a. Demonstrate how a compass works and how to orient a map. Use a map to point out and tell the meaning of five map symbols.

3b. Using a compass and map together, take a 5-mile hike (or 10 miles by bike) approved by your adult leader and your parent or guardian.

S.M.S for 1 - 3

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 4 2021 - 12:33am

Good evening everyone 

With the new year comes new opportunity and renewed optimism for 2021.   It is my deepest wish that this year brings everyone a newfound sense of energy and hope.  I know that at some point during this year we will once again be able to go camping, go on day outings, or do something together. Whether it is under the scouting banner or just as a group of friends.   My whole plan for last year was to go bigger and bolder than we have in the past.  I hope that this year those ideas can finally start to be realized. The 1st half of the year will more than likely be on a month by month basis.  Usually I try to have the entire calendar updated and ready to go by the 1st of the year.  Because our current circumstances are still present and prevalent, most of what we do will have to be weekly or bi-weekly.  The meetings will continue to be at 7 o'clock on regular nights and 6 o'clock for the patrol leaders council on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Monday meeting 1 - 4
This Monday will kick off our new year of meetings. This year at least for the 1st portion of it we will be incorporating rank requirements and merit badges with some new and exciting additions sprinkled in.  Our 1st big announcement will be at 7:50 tomorrow evening.  What will it be?  You'll just have to tune in and find out.
Tune in with your preferred mode of communication via our zoom channel. 
Below is the link to the Zoom channel.  I will send it out again tomorrow afternoon just in case you forget. 

In closing

S.M.S for 1 - 31

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 31 2021 - 10:48pm

Good evening everyone 

Here we are at the end of January and oh look, more snow.  We have a lot of good things coming up in February including a return to in person meetings.  As the spring creeps closer by the day our ability to do more and hold in person meetings becomes greater and greater.

S.M.S for 1 - 5

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 6 2020 - 3:43pm
Good evening everyone

Welcome to the 2020 scouting season I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and New Year.  I also hope you are ready to get back into the swing of things. I know I am.  I want to thank everyone for choosing to return to Troop One for our 2020 season. Over the next year we will be doing things and seeing things that you will be talking about for a long time to come. 

S.M.S for 1-1-23

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 1 2023 - 9:36pm
Good evening everyone
Happy New Year to all!  As we kick off the new year we have a lot on our plates.  In the next 60 days we have something going on almost every week.  This Monday will be the first plc and committee meetings of the new year.  If you are in town please come to the meeting if you can. We still need to nail some camp-out locations down and need some input.
Let's get right into it.
Jan P.L.C meeting
1 - 2 - 23, 6 - 7p
St. Mark's Church
We will be holding a Patrol Leader Council this Monday at St.Mark's Church.  If you are a patrol leader or of senior staff please attend.  Every scout is invited to caucus with their patrol. 
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* patrol updates
* Wants / needs
Jan committee meeting
1 - 2 - 23, 7 - 8:30p
St. Mark's Church
The next committee meeting will be at St.Marks Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a Committee member or are a parent interested in troop business please attend. We are searching for a new Treasure for the troop.  Please let us know if you would be willing to help us out in the new year.
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Pack 260 winter swim met
Norris recreation center
Jan 7th, 3p - 4p
Help the scouts of pack 260 complete their swimming requirements.
The cost is $5.00 per person swimming
Snowstar winter ski trip
Jan 13th-15th
9500 126th St W, Andalusia, IL 61232
Join troop one as we take a ski trip to Snowstar Winter Sports Park, (9500 126th St W, Andalusia, IL 61232)                                If we can get 15 people to come along to ski, Snowstar will give us a participant discount.                                                           The troop has rented the Algonquin Cabin at camp Loud Thunder to stay in for the weekend.
2023 Operation Cubscicle
Jan 21st, 9a - 4p
Camp Big Timber 37W955 Big Timber Rd, Elgin, IL 60124
Troop 1 has officially been asked to provide leadership (of the youth kind) to help this super fun annual tradition of Cub Scouts in Winter!
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
News Around Town
Nothing new for this week.  If you know of anything going on in the tri-city area please let us know so we can talk about it. 

In closing

S.M.S for 1-15-23

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 15 2023 - 11:10pm
Good evening everyone
I want to thank everyone that came on our weekend outings and made this weekend enjoyable.  When you can't go skiing because of no snow what do you do?  You go out to the M.S.I and do some Winterall drills that's what you do.  If and or when plan A and B go out the door you always go to plan C, D or E and make it work. (just not Q)
We got some good stuff coming up this week and next so let's see whats in the carpet bag this evening.
Troop Meeting
Jan 16th, 6:50 - 8:15p
St. Mark's Church
This week we will be preparing for Winterall and preparing our late winter / early spring events.
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.   
2023 Operation Cubscicle
Jan 21st, 9a - 4p
Camp Big Timber 37W955 Big Timber Rd, Elgin, IL 60124
Troop 1 has officially been asked to provide leadership (of the youth kind) to help this super fun annual tradition of Cub Scouts in Winter!  We may be manning the wrist rocket station.  We have been given that one for the past few years so chances are good we are getting that one again.
Winterall Scout Competition
Feb 4th, 8a - 4p
Camp Big Timber 37W955 Big Timber Rd, Elgin, IL 60124
for the first time in a long while we will be competing in this year's Winterall competition. They will be tested on their skills as scouts and see how much they truly know.  A select group of scouts with the guts to put it all on the line will test their knowledge and see how much they know about outdoor skills.
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
News Around Town
Nothing new for this week.  If you know of anything going on in the tri-city area please let us know so we can talk about it. 

In closing

S.M.S for 1-21-24

Posted by swolfgram on Jan 21 2024 - 10:39pm
Good evening everyone
We have a few things on the list for the upcoming few weeks. Let's take a look at some of them. 
This Monday Night: 
Troop Meeting
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Jan 22nd,, 7:00 - 8:15p
We will be working on the agenda for Feb and Mar at Monday's meeting. 
Troop One 2024 ski trip
Feb 10th - 11th 
Army Lake Camp, WI                                                                                      
Join the troop as we go skiing in the 24 season.

We will be staying at the Army Lake Camp, N8725 Army Lake Rd, East Troy, WI 53120