
Patrol Filter

S.M.S for 10-15-23

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 15 2023 - 2:33pm
Good evening everyone
If your week has been down and glum this may perk you up old chum. Turn that frown upside down and let's see what's new this week. 
Who is in and who is out this season. We need to know if you will be with us again this season. Please let Nicole and I know if you do NOT intend on sticking around for the 2023-2024 season. Again, if you will NOT be with us again this upcoming season let us know. 
Wreaths and popcorn 2023!
If you are reading this and have not sold at least one wreath or one thing of popcorn now is the time to get up and get selling. 
We have popcorn. We have wreaths. We have people needing both. Take an order and send it in one at a time if you need to. We will be collecting all orders by the end of the month! If you need to see what we have here is our website! ALL LINKS AND BUTTONS ARE WORKING.
This Monday Night: 
Troop Meeting
St. Marks church, 101 s 6th ave
Oct 15th, 7:00 - 8:15p
The main goal for tonight will be to go over the plans for next weekend's camp-out. This will be the shooting campout out in Indiana. We have not done one of these in some time and I'm hopeful that this will be a very productive weekend.
The continuation of citizenship in society has been postponed to next week as Mr.Beckstrom is out of town for the day.
October Camp-out 10-20 to 10-22:
Gunfight at the troop one corral

We will be staying at Tippecanoe River State Park (4200 N US Hwy 35, Winamac, IN 46996). We will be shooting at the Jasper-pulaski shooting range (4106 E 850 N, Wheatfield, IN 46392). We will be leaving from the Veterans center at 5:00(ish) and arriving around 8p (ish). Waking up around 7a and having a nice breakfast for the morning. At around 10a we will head to the range. We will be spending the day working on the Rifle merit badge and teaching the scouts proper gun safety and handling. The lunch will be cooked at the range (BBQ). Dinner will be back at the camp.

S.M.S for 10-9-23

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 9 2023 - 11:14am
Good morning everyone
This letter was meant to go out last night as it usually does at 6:30. The newsletter was never sent and I didn't realize this until this morning. I was out of town this past weekend and was not paying attention to my mail. 
This is the new news: 
Who is in and who is out this season. We need to know if you will be with us again this season. Please let Nicole and I know if you do NOT intend on sticking around for the 2023-2024 season. Again, if you will NOT be with us again this upcoming season let us know. 
Wreaths and popcorn 2023!
It's that time of year again and everything is flying off the shelves. We have popcorn. We have wreaths. We have people needing both, or some. We have skilled people needing to sell them for the troop. If you need to see what we have here is our website! ALL LINKS AND BUTTONS ARE WORKING :) 
This Monday Night: 
Dinner with the Legion
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Oct 9th 6p - 7p
Join the troop this month as we dine in with the American Legion at the veterans hall.
Help serve dinner and join in the fellowship. Set-up will begin at 5:45ish with dinner to follow at 6p.
Troop Meeting Canceled 
No Meeting tonight
Because of a death in the Beckstrom family we will not be having a meeting tonight. We were going to continue the Society badge tonight but Debbie's mom passed away last week and Mark will not be available. Our prayers go out to Debbie Beckstrom on her mothers passing. 
We will resume our merit badge next Monday 
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this, Yes This Means You!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Monday the 9th: Dinner with the vets
Vet's center 6p
Monday the 9th:
No troop meeting
Monday the 16th:
Campout planning and merit badge night. 
Monday the 23rd:
Troop meeting
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 10-1-23

Posted by swolfgram on Oct 1 2023 - 8:51pm

Good evening, everyone!

Only 30 days till the most wonderful time of the year. Did you get your candy yet, I know I did!
Patrol leaders meeting and Committee meeting Monday night. Let's see what's new.
Who is in and who is out this season. We need to know if you will be with us again this season. Please let Nicole and I know if you do NOT intend on sticking around for the 2023-2024 season. Again, if you will NOT be with us again this upcoming season let us know. 
Wreaths and popcorn 2023!
It's that time of year again and everything is flying off the shelves. We have popcorn. We have wreaths. We have people needing both, or some. We have skilled people needing to sell them for the troop. All the details are out and will be present at Monday's meeting! 
This Monday Night:
Oct P.L.C meeting
10 - 2 - 23, 6 - 7:00p
Baker Church
We will be holding a Patrol Leader Council this Monday at Baker Church.
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Past / Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* Patrol updates
* How to advance scouts in a digital world. 
Oct committee meeting
10 - 2 - 23, 7 - 8:30p
Baker Church
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a committee member or are a parent interested in troop business, please attend. We are searching for new members that can help staff a few areas of need for the troop.  The four areas that we are looking to staff are Fundraising, Activities, Service and Recruitment.  All four areas are vital to the troop.  Meetings of these four departments need not always meet on a Monday night and can bounce ideas via mail or phone.
Do we build something for Scarecrow Fest? 
For the 2023 Scarecrow fest we have a slot. Do we keep it? Do we build anything? 
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Monday meeting Oct 2nd, P.L.C / Committee meeting
October 9th: Dinner with the vets: OCTOBER FEST FOOD! (no beer)
Merit Badge Monday Oct 9th?
This Monday is Columbous Day and usually we don't do meetings this Monday. We can skip this Monday, or we can work on the Citizenship badge. 
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 9-24-23

Posted by swolfgram on Sep 24 2023 - 10:52pm
Good evening everyone
Yes it's late but we went camping this weekend and it was a long trip. Yes we do have a meeting tomorrow night and here is what we're doing. 
This Monday Night: 
Troop Meeting
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Sep 24th, 7:00 - 8:15p
Merit badge monday is back! We'll be working on the citizenship merit badge. 
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Monday meeting Sep 25th, Citizenship Merit badge.
Monday meeting Oct 2nd, P.L.C / Committee meeting
October 9th: Dinner with the vets: OCTOBER FEST FOOD! (no beer)
 Oct 9th: Scout-ober-fest. 
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 9-17-23

Posted by swolfgram on Sep 17 2023 - 7:47pm
Good evening everyone
If anyone thought that the last week around here was busy you haven't seen anything yet. Last week in our little town we had the Camp Kane ball, cub scout camp-out's, festival's and many end of summer gatherings. We aren't even halfway through the month and we got a lot more coming down the line. If you (like me) are scratching your head wondering just what is going to happen in the next week have no fear. 
This Monday Night: 
Troop Meeting
St. Marks church, 311 n 2nd street
Sep 18th, 7:00 - 8:15p
This Monday we will be working on the details for our upcoming trip to the Elroy-Sparta bike trail. It has been many years since the last time we were able to go up and enjoy the trail. We will be going over driving directions, the menu plan and logistics.
Weekend Camp-out:
Elroy-Sparta bike trail, Elroy Wisconsion
September 22nd to 24th, Friday 5:30p - Sunday 1:00p 
Join the troop and invite friends as we hike and ride the trail in Elroy Wisconsion. 
We will be starting off from the Veterans center at 5:30 on Friday the 22nd and arriving at the campground at around 8:30 that evening. 
We will be staying at the Pine View campground. 8053 W J St, Sparta, WI 54656
On this trip you can hike or cycle if you wish, it is up to the group. We suggest you bring a bike and if you choose to go on foot, you may.  
We will work on the menu and driving details after the opening. 
For more info and to see some pictures here is a link to the website. Elroy-Sparta State Trail | Wisconsin DNR
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Monday meeting Sep 18th, Campout prep
Elroy - Sparta bike hike Sep 22nd - 24th. Elroy WI
Bike and or hike with us on a fun weekend on the trail. 
Monday meeting Sep 25th, Citizenship Merit badge.
Monday meeting Oct 2nd, P.L.C / Committee meeting
October 9th: Dinner with the vets: OCTOBER FEST FOOD! (no beer)
 Oct 9th: Scout-ober-fest. 
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 9-10-23

Posted by swolfgram on Sep 10 2023 - 11:39pm
Good evening everyone
And here we go...
This Monday Night: 
Dinner with the Legion
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Sep 11th 6p - 7p
Join the troop this month as we dine in with the American Legion at the veterans hall.
Help serve dinner and join in the fellowship. Set-up will begin at 5:45ish with dinner to follow at 6p.
Troop Meeting
St.Marks church, 311 n 2nd street
Sep 11th, 7:00 - 8:15p
As it may rain we will be going back to St.Marks and working on some scout skills. We have a few new members that need to get scout and what better thing to do on a rainy night than help them with their book work. 
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
Upcoming events / Meeting updates
Sep 11th dinner and meeting. 
Dinner with the vets and a meeting to follow. 
Monday meeting Sep 11th, Book work
Monday meeting Sep 18th, Campout prep
Elroy - Sparta bike hike Sep 22nd - 24th. Elroy WI
Bike and or hike with us on a fun weekend on the trail. 
Monday meeting Sep 25th, Merit badge.
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

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