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S.M.S. for 5-5-24

Posted by swolfgram on May 6 2024 - 12:56am
Good Evening Everyone!
Thank God that this past weekend was quiet, unlike last weekend...
To all our Orthodox friends out there, Happy Easter. 
Here's what we got
This Monday Night:
May P.L.C meeting
5 - 6 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
 6 - 7:00p
Please enter using the N 3rd ave door.
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Past / Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* Patrol updates with new scout's
* How to keep everyone up to date on what is going on in the troop. 
* Memorial Day and Summer camp 
NOTE: We will also be duel casting the meeting. (In person and on the Discord)
May committee meeting
5 - 6 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
7 - 8:30p
Please enter using the N 3rd ave door.
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a committee member or are a parent interested in troop business, please attend. We are searching for new members that can help staff a few areas of need for the troop.  The two areas that we are looking to staff are Fundraising and Recruitment.  The two areas are vital to the troop.  Meetings of these Two departments need not always meet on a Monday night and can bounce ideas via mail or phone.

Events in May

S.M.S for 4-21-24

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 21 2024 - 9:55pm
Good Evening Everyone!
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and a wonderful time at the pool this past afternoon. Our boys helped out a gaggle of cub scouts before jumping back in the pool and taking the bsa swimmer test for themselves. It definitely isn't easy to help with a full list of requirements and then go back in for more but they managed to do it. Good job guys! 
Here's what we got coming up this week in scout's 
This Monday Night:
Veterans Hall
311 n 2nd street
Apr 22nd, 7p - 8:15p
This Monday we will be going over the camp-out and what we will need. Grant's pilgrimage has always been one of the top three camp-outs of the year and I hope this year is no exception. If you are not going to be attending please still come to the meeting as we will be working on some book work for you. 
April camp-out
Grants Pilgrimage
Galena IL. Apr 26th - 28th                                                                                                                                                                                            We are going back to Grant's and Galena!  We will meet at the Vet's Center at 5:30 pm on Friday.  We will be returning back to the center's parking lot on Sunday by 1pm-ish.  Bring your hiking boots and be prepared to do some walking around the historic town of Galena.  Plan for rain so pack accordingly.  Complete the scavenger hunt, see some historic buildings, and maybe a little shopping.  Cracker barrel on Friday night, Breakfast in camp Saturday morning, Lunch in town/parking area Saturday afternoon, Dinner back at camp Saturday night and light Breakfast Sunday morning. The boy's will determine whether we will be doing the pre-planned events or follow our own course for the weekend. 

The cost for the trip is $45.00 (ish)

S.M.S. for 4-14-24

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 15 2024 - 10:57am
Good Evening Everyone!
Holy Moly it's warm out there..I like it! 
We got some good stuff coming up. The day event, the camp-out and more...SO...
Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination. Reach out, touch what was once. Just in your imagination
Don't be shy, it's alright If you feel a little trepidation. Sometimes these things don't need explanations....
What's new this coming week?
This Monday Night:
St. Mark's church
101 S 6th ave, St. Charles
Apr 14th, 7p - 8:15p
This Monday we will be going over camping and how to do it. For many of our new scouts the Grants Pilgrimage will be their first camping experience. We want to show them what to bring, how to pack and why pack what we pack. You will see a backpack and some of the camping gear we have and it will represent what you should / will have too. 
April camp-out
Grants Pilgrimage
Galena IL. Apr 26th - 28th                                                                                                                                                                                            We are going back to Grant's and Galena!  We will meet at the Vet's Center at 5:30 pm on Friday.  We will be returning back to the center's parking lot on Sunday by 1pm-ish.  Bring your hiking boots and be prepared to do some walking around the historic town of Galena.  Plan for rain so pack accordingly.  Complete the scavenger hunt, see some historic buildings, and maybe a little shopping.  Cracker barrel on Friday night, Breakfast in camp Saturday morning, Lunch in town/parking area Saturday afternoon, Dinner back at camp Saturday night and light Breakfast Sunday morning.

The cost for the trip is $45.00.

S.M.S.for 4-8-24

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 8 2024 - 1:15am
Good Evening Everyone!
I want to start tonight's letter off by thanking everyone that helped Bradly with his eagle project. With all of the scrap, junk and saveable items he moved or disposed of around 35,000 pounds of stuff. This was one of the bigger projects we have done in the past few years. Camp Kane is most definitely grateful for all the help they received. Bradly's next task is to get the paperwork done, which should be completed this coming week. 
Thank you again everyone!
What's new this coming week?
This Monday Night:
Dinner with the Legion
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Apr 8th 6p - 7p
Join the troop this month as we dine in with the American Legion at the veterans hall.
Help serve dinner and join in the fellowship. Set-up will begin at 5:45ish with dinner to follow at 6p
April camp-out
Grants Pilgrimage
Galena IL. Apr 26th - 28th

We are going back to Grant's and Galena!  We will meet at the Vet's Center at 5:30 pm on Friday.  We will be returning back to the center's parking lot on Sunday by 1pm-ish.  Bring your hiking boots and be prepared to do some walking around the historic town of Galena.  Plan for rain so pack accordingly.  Complete the scavenger hunt, see some historic buildings, and maybe a little shopping.  Cracker barrel on Friday night, Breakfast in camp Saturday morning, Lunch in town/parking area Saturday afternoon, Dinner back at camp Saturday night and light Breakfast Sunday morning.

S.M.S.for 3-31-24

Posted by swolfgram on Apr 1 2024 - 12:47am
Good Evening Everyone!
Happy Easter everyone. In this week's issue we will be going over some of April's upcoming events, the fundraiser and an eagle project.
This Monday is our Patrol Leaders Council and our Committee meeting at Baker church. All new scouts are invited to the P.L.C from 6p - 7p
and all adults are welcome to come to the committee meeting directly following the P.L.C at 7p - 8:30. Gain a deeper understanding into how the troop works and see where your talents can help the troop out. 
This Monday Night:
Apr P.L.C meeting
4 - 1 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
 6 - 7:00p
Please enter using the N 3rd ave door.
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Past / Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* Patrol updates with new scout's
* How to keep everyone up to date on what is going on in the troop. 
* Spring and Summer events 
NOTE: We will also be duel casting the meeting. (In person and on the Discord)
Apr committee meeting
4 - 1 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
7 - 8:30p
Please enter using the N 3rd ave door.
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a committee member or are a parent interested in troop business, please attend. We are searching for new members that can help staff a few areas of need for the troop.  The three areas that we are looking to staff are Fundraising, Activities and Recruitment.  All three areas are vital to the troop.  Meetings of these three departments need not always meet on a Monday night and can bounce ideas via mail or phone.
April camp-out
Grants Pilgrimage
Galena IL. Apr 26th - 28th

We are going back to Grant's and Galena!  We will meet at the Vet's Center at 5:30 pm on Friday.  We will be returning back to the center's parking lot on Sunday by 1pm-ish.  Bring your hiking boots and be prepared to do some walking around the historic town of Galena.  Plan for rain so pack accordingly.  Complete the scavenger hunt, see some historic buildings, and maybe a little shopping.  Cracker barrel on Friday night, Breakfast in camp Saturday morning, Lunch in town/parking area Saturday afternoon, Dinner back at camp Saturday night and light Breakfast Sunday morning.

S.M.S.for 3-24-24

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 25 2024 - 1:56am
Good Evening Everyone!
It's spring break for most of if not all of our members. Because so few people are going to read this within the next 48 hours I will save my whitty opening for next weeks issue. 
Here's the news!
This Monday Night:
No troop meeting
Spring break week, see you next week.
Spring 2024 Mulch fundraiser:
#1. What is this fundraiser?
Troop one has teamed up with Midwest Compost to launch our 2024 spring mulch fundraiser. This year's prices are the same as last year and are a fantastic way for the boys to make some summer cash. After selling a few yards of mulch, if asked, you can also offer up your services to your customer to help spread the mulch for a nominal fee. This is one of the more lucrative events of the year. 
#2. How do I place an order?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Order using the paper forum or calling it in:
Attached are the simple paper forums that Andie has made up. Just fill out the forum and send it in to our email. You can also give stevan a call with the order. Once an order is received and confirmed it will be placed within 48 hours.   

Order through our online option:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              If you wish to order online rather on the phone or sending in an email you can go to our square site. We have a few online only items and it's worth a look to see what we have. When you select the product to purchases don't forget to also add shipping to your order. For example, if I were to add 3 yards of double ground to the cart I also need to add the shipping to St.Charles option. Square is giving us a little trouble linking shipping to the product selection or auto filling the distance. Whenever you or anyone on your list buy's something using our square site please let us know so as to be on the lookout for the notice.   Here is the map to help with determining distance. 

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