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S.M.S. for 3-17-24

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 18 2024 - 1:49am
Good Evening Everyone!
I would first like to thank everyone that came out for Bradly's eagle project on Saturday. We had a FANTASTIC turn out and we removed over 20,000 pounds of junk from the trailers that he was working on. Any regular project is a big undertaking. Bradly's project was an even bigger one. The second work day will be on April 6th at 10am so please put it on your calendar now to save the date. 
What happened today? We got 3 new scouts today and another 2 turning in the paper work on Monday. 
With five in total I would say that that's a good week.  
What's coming up this week?
This Monday Night:
Troop Meeting
St. Marks church, 101 s 6th ave
MAr 18th, 7:00 - 8:15p
This week we will be discussing the upcoming camp-out and or the day outing. I foolishly placed the camp-out right at the beginning of spring break week not realizing this until the last moment. I know a few of the boys will be out of town. We will figure out who's coming and what we are able to do after we get the report back from the boys.  
Spring 2024 Mulch fundraiser
Sales are open!
Back this year by popular demand is our mulch spring fundraiser.  Attached is this year's flyer and the sale numbers are all the same. Try to reach out to as many people as you can and the adults should try to do the same. This is a fantastic way to make some money for this year's camping and activities schedule. You can also negotiate with the customer to hire you to spread the mulch for them. All profit goes to the scout and goes to their scout account.  Whenever you place an order or get a sale please let us know as we want to get the mulch you the customer in a timely manner. Make sure you use the troop email when doing so. We have some web only products for sale so check the links on our site.
March Camp-out
This March we will be camping at Johnson's mound forest preserve on Mar 22nd - 24th. We have the cabin this year so weather is not a factor. 
The preserve's address is 41 W 600 Hughes rd Elburn IL, 60119
We need to see how many people are going to be around for the camp-out. This is right at the beginning of spring break and we may have a good number of people out of town for the week. If that is the case then we can do a day trip or overnight. 
Please let us know if you will be around that weekend.
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this, Yes This Means You!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
This is for the high school level but is applicable for all the scouts.
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.
Mar 18th, Camp-out prep 7p, St.Mark's
Mar 22nd - 24th, Johnson's mound campout
Mar 25th, No meeting spring break.
Apr 26th - 28th, Grant's pilgrimage 
May 17th - 19th, Starved Rock campout
Jun 15th - 23rd, South Carolina
Summer Adventure trip 2024:
South Carolina
Jun 15th - 23nd
Join us as we visit the palmetto state this year for our 2024 summer adventure trip. Take a boat ride to Fort Sumter to see where the civil war started. Hike along the beach and swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Venture to Savannah, one of the oldest cities in the country. See where the United States Marines train. All this and more in this year's summer southern excursion!  As of right now we are working out some scout deals and seeing how low we can go on price. As of now the projected price will be $350.00 per person. That will include the travel cost, the food and the activities. 
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S. for 3-10-24

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 11 2024 - 1:32am
Good Evening Everyone!
This week we have the vet's dinner, a town walk and the mulch fundraiser. Along with that we have a few guests, a few regulars and a few irregulars. To see what this all means come see us this week and find out. 
This Monday Night:
Dinner with the Legion
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Mar 11th 6p - 7p
Join the troop this month as we dine in with the American Legion at the veterans hall.
Help serve dinner and join in the fellowship. Set-up will begin at 5:45ish with dinner to follow at 6p
Spring 2024 Mulch fundraiser
Pre-Sales are open, Sales open on the 15th
Back this year by popular demand is our mulch spring fundraiser.  Attached is this year's flyer and the sale numbers are all the same. Try to reach out to as many people as you can and the adults should try to do the same. This is a fantastic way to make some money for this year's camping and activities schedule. You can also negotiate with the customer to hire you to spread the mulch for them. All profit goes to the scout and goes to their scout account.  
March Camp-out
This March we will be camping at Johnson's mound forest preserve on Mar 22nd - 24th. We have the cabin this year so weather is not a factor. 
The preserve's address is 41 W 600 Hughes rd Elburn IL, 60119
We need to see how many people are going to be around for the camp-out. This is right at the beginning of spring break and we may have a good number of people out of town for the week. If that is the case then we can do a day trip or overnight. 
Please let us know if you will be around that weekend.
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this, Yes This Means You!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
This is for the high school level but is applicable for all the scouts.
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.
Mar 11th, Dinner with the vet's
6p, Vet's center
Mar 18th, Camp-out prep 7p, St.Mark's
Mar 22nd - 24th, Johnson's mound campout
Mar 25th, No meeting spring break.
Apr 26th - 28th, Grant's pilgrimage 
May 17th - 19th, Starved Rock campout
Jun 15th - 23rd, South Carolina
Summer Adventure trip 2024:
South Carolina
Jun 15th - 23nd
Join us as we visit the palmetto state this year for our 2024 summer adventure trip. Take a boat ride to Fort Sumter to see where the civil war started. Hike along the beach and swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Venture to Savannah, one of the oldest cities in the country. See where the United States Marines train. All this and more in this year's summer southern excursion!  As of right now we are working out some scout deals and seeing how low we can go on price. As of now the projected price will be $350.00 per person. That will include the travel cost, the food and the activities. 
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 3-3-24

Posted by swolfgram on Mar 4 2024 - 1:42pm
Good Evening Everyone!
How about that weather? Anyone or anything get blown away the other day?
This Monday Night:
Mar P.L.C meeting: 
3 - 4 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
 6 - 7:00p
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Past / Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* Patrol updates
* How to keep everyone up to date on what is going on in the troop. 
* Spring and Summer events 
NOTE: We will also be duel casting the meeting. (In person and on the Discord)
Mar committee meeting:
3 - 4 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
7 - 8:30p
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a committee member or are a parent interested in troop business, please attend. We are searching for new members that can help staff a few areas of need for the troop.  The four areas that we are looking to staff are Fundraising, Activities and Recruitment.  All three areas are vital to the troop.  Meetings of these four departments need not always meet on a Monday night and can bounce ideas via mail or phone.
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this, Yes This Means You!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
This is for the high school level but is applicable for all the scouts.
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.
Mar 4th, PLC / CM (PLC 6p-7p)  (CM 7p-830p)
Mar 11th, Dinner with the vet's
6p, Vet's center
Mar 18th, Camp-out prep 7p, St.Mark's
Mar 22nd - 24th, Johnson's mound campout
Mar 25th, No meeting spring break.
Apr 26th - 28th, Grant's pilgrimage 
May 17th - 19th, Starved Rock campout
Jun 15th - 23rd, South Carolina
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S.for 2-25-24

Posted by swolfgram on Feb 25 2024 - 9:58pm
Good evening everyone
 We got some really good stuff happening this week and into next month. 
This Monday Night:
Troop Meeting
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Feb 26th,, 7:00 - 8:15p
Merit badge monday and guest attendee's:
This Monday we will be hosting two cub scouts, a scout that is thinking about transferring and a young man that has never been in scouts and is looking to join. The perfect ice breaker for this meeting would be the pet's merit badge and the troop's pet rock. Brock the rock has been with us for many years. Whether you have the pet's badge or not, we always have a good time with Brock. Let's put on a good show for our guests. 
Spring Fundraiser:
Mulch: Back by unanimous demand we will be bringing back this spring fundraiser. We will have updated numbers in a few days. 
Pancake breakfast: With the backing of the American legion we are putting together details on an April pancake fundraiser. We will be getting the information together and talking about dates in a week.  
Summer Adventure trip 2024:
South Carolina
Join us as we visit the palmetto state this year for our 2024 summer adventure trip. Take a boat ride to Fort Sumter to see where the civil war started. Hike along the beach and swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Venture to Savannah, one of the oldest cities in the country. All this and more in this year's summer southern excursion!  As of right now we are working out some scout deals and seeing how low we can go on price. As of now the projected price will be $350.00 per person. That will include the travel cost, the food and the activities.    
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this, Yes This Means You!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
This is for the high school level but is applicable for all the scouts.
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.
Feb 26th - Meeting, 7 - 8:15p
Mar 22nd - 24th, Johnson's mound campout
Apr 26th - 28th, Grant's pilgrimage 
May 17th - 19th, Starved Rock campout
Jun 15th - 23rd, South Carolina
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 2-11-24

Posted by swolfgram on Feb 12 2024 - 3:57pm
Good evening everyone
Kansas City wins by 3 in overtime. How do I know? I'm prophetic. 
After the strange weather we've been having this past winter we were afraid that we wouldn't be able to put this year's ski trip together. Thank God we did. The kids had a good time and no one came back with anything broken. Always a plus in my book.  
Here's what's new this week.   
This Monday Night:
Dinner with the Legion
Veterans Hall, 311 n 2nd street
Feb 12th 6p - 7p
Join the troop this month as we dine in with the American Legion at the veterans hall.
Help serve dinner and join in the fellowship. Set-up will begin at 5:45ish with dinner to follow at 6p
Spring Fundraiser:
Mulch: Back by unanimous demand we will be bringing back this spring fundraiser. We hope to have the paperwork ready to go by the end of next week.
Pancake breakfast: With the backing of the American legion we are putting together details on an April pancake fundraiser. We will be getting the information together and talking about dates in a week.  
Pack 110 invite
Pack 110 has four scouts that were looking to join us on one of our outings. They have not yet chosen a troop and are wanting to see what we are about and who we are as a troop. We have a few options that are within the next week. The 2024 Chicago auto show and a trip down to the city for a free day at one of the museums. Just two of the ideas floated. When told of our potential ideas the leaders and kids seemed rather interested. 
The troop Zelle
Need to pay the troop for something or get paid for something? We have a Zelle for that. @TRP1TREASURER
EVERYONE needs this, Yes This Means You!!!!
In order for the scouts to be able to use their phones or tech on meetings or outings they need to have this certification.  The class material can be found at
This is for the high school level but is applicable for all the scouts.
Upcoming events / Meeting updates.
Feb 12th - Dinner with the Vets, 6p
Feb 17th - Chicago auto show, 9a - 5p
Feb 19th - Day trip possible, 9a - 5p
Feb 26th - Meeting, 7 - 8:15p
Recruiting New Members 
If you have a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, a Cub Scout, or someone wishing to join you as a transfer from another troop please let us know.  We all know that the only way for the troop to survive is for more people to join over the long run. If you know of anyone that could potentially be interested in joining, please have them come to a meeting, outing, camp-out or just for a visit.
Service with a purpose:
Casey’s Safe Haven
8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151
Casey’s Safe Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit holistic equine rescue dedicated to healing horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules in need. We will accept equines from animal control facilities, pony ride facilities, horses being retired from lesson programs, police force, and the race track. We also accept healthy animals donated by loving owners that for reasons beyond their control can no longer provide care. Our mission is to be a part of the solution by educating the public on the responsibilities and proper care of each equine so they receive the respect and dignity they deserve as living beings.
Anderson Animal Shelter

For more than fifty years, Anderson Humane has been the leading animal welfare organization in our community. We have been dedicated to creating positive connections between people and animals from day one because animals make us better!  Today, we place more than 4,000 pets into loving homes each year. Our innovative programs make the healing presence of animals available to seniors, veterans, and those in crisis.

S.M.S for 2-4-24

Posted by swolfgram on Feb 5 2024 - 12:30am
Good evening everyone
Thank you to all that helped out at winterall this year! The stations we were running were yet again voted the most popular of the day. 
There is a lot coming up this week. This Monday alone we have the monthly plc, the oa elections and the planning for the ski trip. it's going to be a super full night so please come ready with ideas and energy!
This Monday Night:
Feb P.L.C meeting: 
2 - 5 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
 6 - 7:00p
Topics of the P.L.C will include but not limited to
* Past / Upcoming events and badges
* Leadership
* Patrol updates
* How to keep everyone up to date on what is going on in the troop. 
* Spring and Summer events
2024 O.A. Election:
2 - 5 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
William, Bradly and Dominic have all been nominated for this year's order of the arrow selection. We will be holding the O.A. elections right after the plc. We need as many scouts there as possible to make the vote count. 
Feb committee meeting:
2 - 5 - 24
Baker Church
307 Cedar Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174
7 - 8:30p
The next committee meeting will be at Baker Church immediately following the p.l.c.  If you are a committee member or are a parent interested in troop business, please attend. We are searching for new members that can help staff a few areas of need for the troop.  The four areas that we are looking to staff are Fundraising, Activities and Recruitment.  All three areas are vital to the troop.  Meetings of these four departments need not always meet on a Monday night and can bounce ideas via mail or phone.
Troop One 2024 ski trip
Feb 9th - 11th 
Army Lake Camp, WI                                                                                      
Join the troop as we go skiing in the 24 season.

We will be staying at the Army Lake Camp, N8725 Army Lake Rd, East Troy, WI 53120    

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